An interactive trap that can be placed anywhere and anyone can be caught in it, from regular NPCs to your friend or enemy on the server, and even animals.
Since the launch of sales of Bear Trap (2023-09-27T22:00:00Z) our product has been acquired by 21 individuals, and each one has expressed their utmost satisfaction with the remarkable results they’ve attained.
Our product stands out with rock-solid stability and performance.
You asked for it, and we’ve added it - a new Bait Mechanic. You can now place bait on a bear trap to attract animals. You have the option to configure the bait, specifying the item to be used, its effective range, and the specific animals it will attract:
You can enable this option to make trapped players slowly decrease their health. You can enable/disable this feature and configure how much damage player receives per second.
Added new variables into config.lua:
Config.EnableDeathTimout = true -- Player Death timeout enabled/disabled
Config.DeathTimeout = 30000 -- 30000 ms player will be killed after this amount of time
Config.EnableHealthDecrease = false -- Player Slow HP decrease enabled/disabled
Config.HealthDecrease = 3 -- how much player hp decreased every second
Now you can choose which bait should be placed. Depends on placed bait it will attract different type of animals. For example, meat attracts only predators. You can define your own categories of baits and set any items you like (but we already made some presset for you, just in case):
Config.BaitItems = { -- item name = category
['apple'] = 'Vegetation',
['bread'] = 'Insects',
['meat'] = 'Meat',
} -- Items which are used for placing bait
Config.BaitCategories = {
Vegetation = {`AT_BUCK`, `AT_DEER`, `AT_OX`},
Insects = {`AT_EGRET`, `AT_RABBIT`},