Basic Information
- Size: BIG
- Type: Jobs, Blender, Codewalker, Design, Bussineses
- Count: 41 props
- Author: Dont_LookTV#4410
Features and Functionalities
- Optimization: Low impact on FPS, smooth performance, no console errors.
- Textures: External
- Collisions: Embedded
- Ideal for: Jobs, Blender, Codewalker, Design,
- Bussineses
- Customization: None
FiveM Escrow System
- Enabled
Spawn names:
- dl_bakery_basket_01
- dl_bakery_basket_02
- dl_bakery_bread_01
- dl_bakery_bread_02
- dl_bakery_bread_03
- dl_bakery_bread_04
- dl_bakery_cake1_01
- dl_bakery_cake2_01
- dl_bakery_cake3_01
- dl_bakery_cake4_01
- dl_bakery_cake5_01
- dl_bakery_cardboardtray_01
- dl_bakery_chausson_aux_pommes_01
- dl_bakery_curdpie_01
- dl_bakery_curdpie_02
- dl_bakery_eclair_01
- dl_bakery_eclair_02
- dl_bakery_flan_01
- dl_bakery_fruitbowl_01
- dl_bakery_fruitpie_01
- dl_bakery_fruitpie_02
- dl_bakery_fruitpie_03
- dl_bakery_fruitpie_04
- dl_bakery_fruitpie_05
- dl_bakery_fruitpie_06
- dl_bakery_fruitpie_07
- dl_bakery_millefeuilles_01
- dl_bakery_pain_aux_raisins_01
- dl_bakery_pastrybox_01
- dl_bakery_pastrybox_02
- dl_bakery_pastrybox_03
- dl_bakery_plate_01
- dl_bakery_quiche_01
- dl_bakery_quiche_02
- dl_bakery_quiche_03
- dl_bakery_quiche_04
- dl_bakery_religieuse_01
- dl_bakery_religieuse_02
- dl_bakery_sandwichbaguette_01
- dl_object_bakery_gland_01
- dl_pain_au_chocolat_01
- Gold house strip casino club mlo
- Free cheese pack
- Sheriff liveries pack + cars
- Vinewood Gym
- Free love place grapseed
- Free modular pipes
- Juicestand Restaurant
- Paleto harvest festival map
- Meat bundle pack
- Police training center (26 rooms only 15$)
- Free sushi food pack
- Guitar store guitars pack
- Free fishing warehouse
- Free Wedding Place
- Fishes Pack
- Fridgit warehouse
- Free mushroom pack
- Best-seller!! Shit happens! (8 poop props)
- Sandy hut mlo (5$)
- Big farmer and gastronomy job prop pack
- Crime silo mlo
- Bakery food pack
- Unfurnished shell 01 (for housing)
- Costumizable kiosk with your logo
Code is accessible | N/A |
Subscription-based | N/A |
Lines (approximately) | N/A |
Requirements | N/A |
Support | Yes |