AV Restaurants

Preview: Really awesome Youtube video!

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:white_check_mark: FEATURES

  • Easily create restaurants in game without any code knowledge!.

  • Optimized (0.00 ms always).

  • Forget about those restaurant jobs where you need to copy/paste the resource and change hundreds of events names, copy/paste coords and adding items, really boring!!.

  • One resource can handle hundreds of restaurants.

  • Each restaurant can have zones like: Boss, Cashiers, Drinks, Food, Joints, Others (collectibles, gifts, etc), Stashes and Trays.

  • Each restaurant can customize their own items, if your players pizzeria wants to sell a new pasta dish you don’t have to worry about registering the item, the boss can do it and use the item on the go!.

  • You can register infinite zones for the same restaurant, if you need two drinks stations you can create them easily!.

  • Zones creation/deletion is synched server side, no need to wait for a script/server restart.

  • Cashiers are independent and the money collected will be added to the business account where the boss is the only one who can withdraw it.

  • Config is easy, you can customize every aspect of the script like stashes weight and item slots, translate, change icons, customize items weight and a lot more!.

  • This script is easily scalable, new features will be added according to customers feedback.

  • The script is made for QBCore and ESX latest versions.

  • All framework functions are open, you can easily make the script work with your custom framework.

  • Supported Inventories: ESX and QBCore native inventories, Quasar Inventory, ModFreakz Inventory and OX Inventory.

Code is accessible 90% Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +2000
Requirements QBCore/ESX
Support Yes

Just a side note, instructional buttons where added after video was recorded :3

this is dope!

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Can’t wait for esx version.
Looks simple but nice.

I’m having a hard time understanding the created items because wouldn’t a dev still need to make the items usable?

No, the boss can define what type of items he’s creating (food, water, joint) and based on that the script will create an useable item.

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please make a installation tutorial video on Youtube I bought the script this morning and still havent got it to work. im excited to get this working.

Hi, please send me a DM, there’s already a guide on how to install the resource and is just 5 steps

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Ping me when ESX is available

ESX version is now available as a config, no need to purchase a separate script. :slight_smile:

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  • Added support for ModFreakz and Ox Inventory for ESX Framework.
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Is there a limit on the effects of the item? For example the milkshake you made in the video gives lets say 10 thirst and 10 hunger. And something like flavored water could just give 30 thirst.

Also, can you add the ability to have requirements to craft the newly created item, so that way business shop owners arent just making items out of thin air.

You got banned for pinging me every 2 minutes, I just woke up and have 20 pings from you. Not interested in having clients who can’t wait to get an answer because I’m sleeping.

Will this work with Quasar Inventory?

No, trying to get it to though.

we bought this script it was great but boss rank could glitch all the item in the server by adding the item to business. you better make permission to the black list item not to be able to put to the shop or something. thanks

Please send me a DM with more info about this glitch, this haven’t been reported

Just found the issue, please download the latest version from Keymaster and replace files sv_framework.lua and sv_items.lua from server_editable folder

there is another issue about items not able to sell after put to the store. i openen the ticket on discord also my brother opened the ticket jsut answer one of the tickets

Why opening 2 tickets and not answering them but came here to comment? I don’t get it, pls answer the ticket