Advanced Object, Ped, and Vehicle Removal Menu for FiveM

GitHub Tebex YouTube

:hammer_and_wrench: Key Features:

  1. :wastebasket: Object/Ped/Vehicle Deletion

    • Admins can delete nearby objects, peds, and vehicles within a specified radius for all players.
    • Three dedicated server events handle these operations:
      • server:deleteNearbyObjectsForAll
      • server:deleteNearbyPedsForAll
      • server:deleteNearbyVehiclesForAll
    • These events trigger client-side events that remove entities in real-time from the server environment.
  2. :no_entry_sign: Ban and Unban System

    • Integrated ban and unban system that stores banned and unbanned players in a JSON file (menu.json).
    • Banning: Admins can ban players based on their identifier. Banned players are immediately disconnected with a message indicating the reason for the ban.
      • server:logDeletedEntities records deletion logs, including player info and entity details.
    • Unbanning: Admins can unban players from the ban list by setting their login status to true.
    • Player connection is checked against the ban list on login:
      • playerConnecting event defers the player’s login if they are banned.
  3. :globe_with_meridians: Webhook Integration

    • The system integrates with Discord Webhooks to log deleted entities and provide detailed reports, including:
      • Player details (name, cash, bank balance, job)
      • Entity details (type, total detected, total deleted)
    • Webhook events are sent to a configurable Webhook URL for real-time monitoring.
  4. :technologist: Player Info Callback

    • A callback function getCharacterInfo retrieves detailed information about a player, including:
      • Name, job, bank, cash, and active player count.
    • Supports both ESX and QBCore frameworks for compatibility.

Nice work!! : :ok_hand:

nice work :100: