Advanced Fishing V2 - Divers fish per areas

Fishing Script V2

Catch 'Em All


Immerse yourself in an immersive fishing experience, where you can explore a variety of exciting fishing areas, discovering a multitude of exotic fish

Main features

Diverse fishing areas

Discover authentic fishing areas, from deep seas to tranquil rivers, from picturesque lakes to the mysterious waters of Cayo Perico. Each location offers a unique fishing experience, with varied environments and breathtaking scenery.
Custom Zone Setup
Want to customize your own fishing zones? No problem! Our script lets you configure your own fishing zones according to your preferences.

Variety of fish
Marvel at the diversity of fish available. Species vary according to the area, weather, time of day and month. (real world).
With over 70 pre-configured fish, every fishing session will be a new adventure.

Caputre mini-game
You can add your own mini-game to make catching fish more immersive.

Extensive compatibility
Our script supports the ESX and QB frameworks, with the option of adding other frameworks

Other information

  • Support QB_Target and OX_Target
  • Discord webhook for catch and sell
  • Configure fishing animation time
  • Can use your notification system
  • Enable auto-fishing (press X to cancel)
  • Only one file encrypted

Purchase it here! (Price without VAT)

:shopping_cart: Unencrypted [ 15 € ]

Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 800
Requirements ESX / QB / Standalone
Support Yes

Find my other works (open source and escrowed available)

:sparkler: Firework
:blue_car: Car Dealer
:dollar: Money wash
:pill: Sell Drugs to PNJ

Free : :free:
:round_pushpin: Blip Manager
:computer: Batch - Server selector
:oncoming_police_car: Spike Strips


fish from a boat?

A video would be pretty cool…

No video

Yes it’s possible

Here is a video

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Can I translate the plug-in and modify the phishing items after encryption

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Yes, only the main part on fishing is encrypted.
You can modify all server file, shop file, config file and add your translation.

Now there is a problem. I can’t use the plug-in because I use someone else’s key. I can’t use it after the asset is downloaded. Is there any way to skip this link

I don’t understand, you buy the script but not for your account ?
In this case, You must transfer ownership of the script to the correct account.

Update 1.0.1

  • Add support for ox_inventory
  • Bug fix for esx_legacy

says deprndency esx when i dont have esx and its set to false

Is there a qb version?

Fixed. I forgot to remove the

dependencies {

from fxmanifest…

No, but all server file can be modified, so you can create your qb version

QB CORE is now available !

:shopping_cart: Escrowed [ 8 € ]

:shopping_cart: Open source [ 18 € ]

Find my other works (open source and escrowed available)

:dollar: Money wash
:sparkler: Firework
:blue_car: Car Dealer
— Free Script —
:round_pushpin: Blip Manager
:computer:Batch - Server selector
:oncoming_police_car: Spike Strips

Update 2.0.1

  • Add webhook support for catch and sell
  • Fix bug on npc spawn
  • Little improvement

Fishing script is simple to use and don’t interfere with other scripts
got excellent support to help make it work using QB-target

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Is this usable without an inventory at all? I would like to add this our vmenu server. Just want to make sure it would work.

Yes you can use it without an inventory