Advanced Belt Attachments

Realistically display your weapons and items on your character’s belt when equipped from inventory but not in use! Works with lanterns, lassos, machetes, and more.


  • Automatically shows/hides items on your belt
  • Synchronized across all players - everyone sees each other’s belt items
  • Smooth transitions when equipping/unequipping
  • Works with both male & female characters
  • Supports multiple item types:
    • Regular and Davy lanterns
    • Regular and reinforced lassos
    • Machetes
    • Metal detector
    • And more can be easily added!

There are 5 attachements already configured for you.


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  1. Download the bln_belt_attachments script
  2. Place it in your server’s resources folder
  3. Add ensure bln_belt_attachments to your server.cfg

:hammer_and_wrench: Usage

The script works automatically once installed. When you have supported items in your inventory:

  • Items appear on your belt when equipped but not in active use
  • Automatically hide/show items when using them
  • All players can see each other’s belt attachments

Supported Items

  • WEAPON_MELEE_LANTERN - Regular lantern
  • WEAPON_KIT_METAL_DETECTOR - Metal detector
  • WEAPON_LASSO - Regular lasso
  • WEAPON_LASSO_REINFORCED - Reinforced lasso

you can support/add more items as you need!

:wrench: Configuration

You can easily add new items or adjust existing ones by modifying the configuration file config.lua. Each item can be configured with:

  • Attachment bone
  • Position offset
  • Rotation offset
  • Different settings for male/female characters

Example configuration structure:

    hashName = 'WEAPON_MELEE_LANTERN',
    model = `s_interact_lantern01x`,
    bone = {
        male = 'PH_Lantern',
        female = 'PH_Lantern',
    offset = {
        male = {
            x = 0.0,
            y = 0.0,
            z = 0.0,
            pitch = 0.0,
            roll = 0.0,
            yaw = 0.0,
        female = false, -- Uses male settings if false

Get it now


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +300
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

good thenx

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Would be so cool if this script could apply a quiver to the hip or back when a bow/improved bow is equipped, that always bothered me so much that players would pull arrows out of nowhere :grimacing: 10/10 work gonna have fun playing around with this one for sure!

For help or suggestion please reach out here