[ADDON][ESX] Inventory HUD - Vehicle trunk 2.4.0

any fix for it?

Hi ,
There is a error in my console log
can anyone tell me what is the problem?

[script:esx_inventory] SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_inventoryhud_trunk/server/trunk.lua:72: table index is nil
[script:esx_inventory] > ref (@esx_inventoryhud_trunk/server/trunk.lua:72)
[script:esx_inventory] > async void MySQLAsync.Operation<System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>>>+<ExecuteAsync>d__7.MoveNext() (@mysql-async/MySQLAsync.net.dll:0)
[script:esx_inventory] > async Task<List<Dictionary<string, object>>> MySQLAsync.FetchAll.ReaderAsync(MySqlCommand command) (@mysql-async/MySQLAsync.net.dll:0)
[script:esx_inventory] > async Task<DbDataReader> MySqlConnector.Core.TextCommandExecutor.ExecuteReaderAsync(string commandText, MySqlParameterCollection parameterCollection, CommandBehavior behavior, IOBehavior ioBehavior, CancellationToken cancellationToken) (@mysql-async/MySqlConnector.dll:0)
[script:esx_inventory] > async Task<MySqlDataReader> MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.CreateAsync(MySqlCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior, IOBehavior ioBehavior) (@mysql-async/MySqlConnector.dll:0)
[script:esx_inventory] > async Task MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.ReadFirstResultSetAsync(IOBehavior ioBehavior) (@mysql-async/MySqlConnector.dll:0)
[script:esx_inventory] > async Task<ResultSet> MySqlConnector.Core.ResultSet.ReadResultSetHeaderAsync(IOBehavior ioBehavior) (@mysql-async/MySqlConnector.dll:0)

any idea?

Items disappear from esx inventory hud trunk!
Version: 1.0.0
Can anyone help me ?

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having an issue where only money and weapons will come out of the trunk also when i put clean money into trunk it comes out as dirty money. how do i fix this please help.

ok i fixed the item issue but still having the an issue where putting clean money into the trunk turns it into dirty money. please help.

follow this link’s comments

you need to set config correct + the :
" Config.ExcludeAccountsList = {“bank”, “money”} – List of accounts names to exclude from inventory "

Hey! How did you fix it to where other items can be removed from the trunk? I can get weapons out of it, but when i put in gold or something, it stays stuck.

Hi, I’ve been trying to figure out a way to fix this on my own but I am a bit stuck.
There seems to be an issue of the trunk script depending on the esx_vehicleshop script. On my server I’ve disabled that since I use esx_advancedvehicleshop. The error in my server I get is this :

I’ve tested and if I turn esx_vehicleshop on again it works perfectly. If I have it off, then I am unable to put items in the trunk. It’s like there is no inventory for the trunk. I tried to find in the trunk script where to change the dependency but I couldn’t figure it out.

EDIT: Managed to dig up the solution, for anyone else stuck :
If you are using esx_advancedvehicleshop you should go to esx_inventoryhud → client → trunk.lua then search for isPlateTaken
If is “esx_vehicleshop:isPlateTaken” Change to “esx_advancedvehicleshop:isPlateTaken”

There are TWO places you need to change this. :sweat_smile: don’t be like me and change just one. The first place is to put in and the second is for taking out. Good luck!

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How on earth (which file is it) do you change the button text to use, drop, give? My locales is still in en, however the only thing that still reads pouzit, dat, & zahodit… Doing a find in each file came up empty.

Please help. Thank you.

Hmtl>locales>CS and just erase that %$^* and add English is all i did :slight_smile: smooth brain ape solves another problem… TO THE MOON!!!

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Hello I have problem.

Server callback “esx_inventoryhud_trunk:getInventoryV” does not exist. Make sure that the server sided file really is loading, an error in that file might cause it to not load.

How do I fix this error thank you for the help :slight_smile: I use everything as required and I still get the error

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Would anyone know how to fix this issue by chance? The script works fine and then will break randomly causing us to restart and make all players lose there Inventories. This is the error code it pulls.

I have the problem that I cannot pack any items in the trunk.
There is no error message and I couldn’t find a solution online.
I hope someone can help me and have a great day! :smiley:


someone knows how to solve that when putting money comes out as money instead of black money

that has fix the problem thanks

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Hi! I have the same problem. Everything works with no errors, but i can’t drop anything in the vehicle truck. Any possible solution?

[EDIT] For my case i solved the problem. In the resource esx_inventoryhud there is in the file
around lines 119 and 143 a server callback like this:


If vehicleshop is disabled or replaced whith another garage resource you need to replace “esx_vehicleshop:isPlateTaken” with the correct function of the new resource to get the trunk working again ( in my case i use “esx_advancedvehicleshop:isPlateTaken” because i have esx_advancedvehicleshop).

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Is the function for esx_advancedvehicleshop



Yes, the function is correct. Change to this at around line 119 and line 143.

Ok, thanks.

I’m unable to retrieve items from the trunk I just get this "SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_inventoryhud_trunk/server/esx_trunk-sv.lua:110: attempt to compare number with nil