A happy new year from the Cfx.re team

Happy new year! With 2020 finally behind us, it’s time to reflect on everything we have achieved together and look forward to all that 2021 holds for us.

2020 recap

What a year it was. There is a lot going on in the world, but there are positives to look back on as well.

  • We’ve broken all player records. On the 19th of May we’ve hit a staggering 165k concurrent online players with more than 619k unique players over the whole day! Over 2 million unique players played FiveM and RedM that month. Did you know we ranked as high as #3 in the Steam player charts?
  • You’ve all been busy on our forums. Over 778k new people have registered in 2020. More than 145 million page views have been registered last year!
  • With Tebex being supported earlier this year, we’ve opened up a long awaited possibility for server owners to monetize their in-game content and for developers to sell resources. And we’re not done yet. We’ve been listening to your feedback and know what we need to improve.
  • 2020 has seen our biggest UI update yet. In August, we launched a new unified design language across our website and in-game UI that many of you have been very positive about. We thank you for your feedback!

2021 roadmap

Now, what do we have in store for you?

  • FxDK: This is what you’ll want to look forward to. Still in early stages of development, we are building an incredible developer toolkit that provides all the tools you need to build a server. A code editor, a world editor, and much more.
  • Afraid of having your resources stolen when distributed through Tebex? Fear no longer. We are working together with Tebex to implement improved resource protection and provide ownership validation for purchased resources. With this coming soon, you no longer have to worry about ‘protecting’ resources through questionable means.
  • To those who are looking forward to RedM updates: Streaming support has been implemented and OneSync is coming. Much progress is being made, so keep an eye out for this.
  • Documentation will see a big update. This has been a pain point for many of you, and we’re working on it. Natives will no longer be a separate website, and all content will be reviewed and improved.
  • Our Discord guild will transition into a creative community hub, and less of a support platform. We are launching a new support site this year which will help everyone get an answer quicker.
  • Formalized release procedures for FXServer to help server owners mitigate issues. We will post a topic to update you on this.
  • And of course, many more things to come which we’ll surely update you on!

Stay safe!

Thanks to everyone supporting us, we wouldn’t be here without you. What are you looking forward to in 2021?


Thank you for 2020 to Cfx and the entire community around it! It have been a blast :boom:


Thanks for everything guys. Already looking forward. :+1:


Really amazing news across the board. And thrilled to see the effort going into RedM to help it catch up with features that have made FiveM so successful.





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Happy new year everyone! :tada:
2020 has been amazing and 2021 looks really promising for FiveM, RedM and FxDK. :mascot:


That year was FiveM’s year cant say same for RedM /:

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:raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

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Why? RedM got important goodies too:
Fixed texture flickering, backport of pool natives, backport of script handlers, update to 1311, streaming support and so on.


How about making EUP free since you’ve profited from it since it started not to mention you claimed it’d be free at some point. Just keep playerslots behind a paywall with OneSync infinity. Either monetize everything streaming related or non of it.


heres to 2021 :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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I am really pleased to hear this. I just hope it’s not something told because it’s something we developers want to hear… Furthermore, I suspect that if this is serious and is done well, you’ll see many developers switching over to use Tebex if they are offered more protections for their resources and/or assets. If servers are able to be shut down based off of leaked paid resources/assets which are sold on Tebex, then I think you guys have a real bargaining chip in getting many developers to use Tebex rather than their current payment methods that break your TOS.

In fact, I believe offering such a protection can potentially justify why FiveM takes a cut from the sales in general. I’m curious to see what this is about and am hopeful it can actually be a great thing instead of a false promise.

Happy New Year everyone.


On behalf of everyone from Envy, I’d like to say thank you for all the hard work in 2020, you’ve brought joy to an insane amount of people, it does not go unseen :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Cheers to another great year! Thank you peeps for all your hard work!

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Happy new year to everyone! :partying_face:

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Happy new year snailies :snail:

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Seriously no mention of txAdmin?!
No mention of its 688 commits or 25 releases in 2020?
No mentions of the server deployer?
At all?!?!?!

Seriously guys?!


Love the new server deployer built into txAdmin in the latest artifacts!

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Happy new year to all, best wishes for 2021. A big thanks to the FX team and community for all the effort you put in to the project.

@tabarra while not mentioned, a thank you as well for the work put in to txAdmin - your creation and ongoing updates, fixes and features are appreciated and make life much easier for many people, a valuable contribution indeed.
