Zombie meele animations

Greetings everyone. I’m making a server with a zombie theme and ran into the same problem. In 2024, for Halloween, Rockstar added an update that included new zombie animations, and now I want to use it. The problem is that, everything works except the atack or meele animation, it works on only 3 peds that Rockstar added ( g_m_m_zombie_01, g_m_m_zombie_02, g_m_m_zombie_03) on another peds its didnt work ( ped atack with default animations) has anyone encountered such a problem? It looks like they wrote somewhere that exactly 3 peds can use these animations, but where? ;(

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Unsure if this will help, but here:

Exactly, i use this script but melee animations work only on this peds ( like in video ). On the customs or another gta5 peds the melee animations is default.

This script works perfectly, but if you use any other peds instead of the ones from the update (g_m_m_zombie_01/02/03), they only have the movement animation, while the attack remains standard.

It feels like the attack animation is specifically assigned to these three new peds somewhere in the game files.