hey i want to whitelist my 2nd server but i dont know how so if someone could help me pls
This try for a whitelist. [Release] Scammer's Script Collection (09/03/17)
but thats for IPS
20 charcter
Might be outdated, not too sure
Just search the releases section for “Whitelist”
You can filter search results to narrow down your search. For example, take a look at this link: https://forum.cfx.re/search?expanded=true&q=whitelist%20%23development%3Areleases%20order%3Alatest
Searches for “whitelist” only in the #development:releases section and sorts by last updated. That way you know for sure the most “active” whitelist resources will appear at the top and those are probably the ones that will work.
I actually recommmend this, which uses essentialsmode and a command ingame and has a built-in database inside, but it does break at some times, thought it usually fixes itself.
Here is the link, it will tell you the commands within the description.
(NOTE: you have to have essentialsmode async for it to work)
i have that the problem is with rcon it says that there is no such command as wladd and then my steam
nvm i know why
20 efefe
no still say no such command as wladd
Did you extract the addon pack into your server resources? and check to make sure it says ‘start addonname’ in your server.cfg?