[VRP] Core Evidence V2 - Bullet shells, Fingerprints, Blood samples, Archives [Paid]


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Can you show resmon?

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Thank you so much for the support and I apologize for been impatient. There resource works perfectly! keep up the good work and I will keep my eyes open for more scripts that you might have now or in the future. much appreciated. :video_game: :fire: :card_file_box: :oncoming_police_car: :microscope: :dna: :drop_of_blood: :100:

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Im sorry that people cant reply on the weekends. I will contact as soon as possible, but blood not showing is due to conflicting scripts not a code error.

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Can i use this for my RP server for the fbi job

If you set the correct job with rank yes you can.


Am I able to use this with ESX?

Check out the original esx post linked above :slight_smile:

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idk how i didnt see that lol. thanks!

is this obfuscated?

it is not

Just a Question, So My server has about 3 guns you can obtain in the local Ammunation stores. Pistol, Vintage Pistol, and Pump Shotgun. Do you think you can add something like if its these weapons which are obtained the legal way can show the info of the person who fired it and all other weapons be unknown shooter but tell the type of gun it was fired from?

You can modify yourself its not that hard. But i have made another script core_weapon. In that script you can use unmarked bullets on any weapon and they wont leave a trace :slight_smile:

Hi @DeivisMac2,

just having a question if you don’t mind me asking. Are those bullet shells can be seen in the inventory? Also, if a cop wants to do a badcop roleplay, can their fingerprints be analyzed, too? In addition to that, you wrote that “no fingerprints if using gloves” so is this glove also an item which should be found specifically somewhere or just a normal glove that you can get when you go to clothing shop?

Thanks for your reply in advence.

Best Regards

Thanks for asking! Unfortunatlly the bullet shells aswell as the blood samples cant be seen in the inventory due to esx limitations. The evidence is stored for you until you analyze it or relog. The script detects your gloves from clothing shop. As for the bad cop roleplay i did not understand what you meant but the cop can refuse to analyze anything. Hope this helped!


Is this for Dunko or vRP2?

if the gun came from the weapon store but was then given to someone else would gun came back to the person who shot it or would it come back to whoever was first owner of gun

Who shot it.

Is this still actual?

No vrp version does not exist anymore sorry :frowning: