[VORP] GANG WARS | Sync’d | Highly Configurable

This will add some extra roleplay to the criminal side of your RedM servers. Create a competitive experience for western gangs on your server where players fight for control of territory

Each zone if enabled through your config file will have a flag at a camp site (can be moved/placed wherever via the config).

If unclaimed, a gang can start a claim on it which will then spawn waves of enemy bandits. If they succeed they will take ownership of that claim and the territory will then change colors.

If the territory is claimed already by another gang, the opposing gang must declare war on that gang of they wish to take it over. When a claim is started on territory owned by another gang, that gang and it’s online members are notified that it is under attack in which they can go defend and stop the claim.

Gangs must maintain their claims periodically based on the time configured via the config file. Failing to maintain a claim will make it go unclaimed.

Declaring war with other gangs can provide additional RP within your servers.


  • Declare war or peace with established gangs
  • Claim unclaimed land and fight other gangs for their claimed land
  • Maintain your claim or risk losing control
  • Configuration
    • Edit ped spawns for unclaimed land
    • Modify various timers / cooldowns
      • War timer - the time a gang must wait to declare peace after war
      • Upkeep timer - the time an inactive claim goes unclaimed
      • Claim timer - the amount of time a gang needs to hold down an area to make their claim (This gives the defending gang some time to stop the claim)
    • Modify zone labels, claim locations, and disable entire zones.
    • Adjust the member requirement needed to claim a zone.
    • Blip settings
    • Prop settings
    • Locale (English included, can be easily translated to other languages)
    • TxAdmin Integration (Prevent new wars before server restarts)
  • Exports (This resource contains various exports that can be used in other resources)
  • Colored Zones based on the status of the zone
  • Smoke effect that can be seen from a distance when a zone is being attacked
  • Various alerts for gangs
  • Supports discord webhooks

All timers and data is maintained server side and stored via database for persistence. Data is sync’d across all clients. Props and particles spawned by this resource are client side and only spawned when within range as defined in the config.

Video Examples


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Code is accessible Partial
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~2500
Requirements vorp_menu, gs_gangs
Support Yes
(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)
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