This will add some extra roleplay to the criminal side of your RedM servers. Various interactive
elements to this resource including animations.
Bank Robbery
- Locales (English included and can be easily translated)
- Edit global, and location cooldown times
- Easily reset a bank with a command
- Job permissions, group permissions, and ace permissions
- Modify explosive device item name
- Require bandanas
- Require player to remain inside of the bank
- Adjust weapon list for peds
- Adjust required weapon list to start robbery
- Works with any framework (Modifiable client/server side code to integrate this resource with any framework)
- API for gs_doorlocks already configured to setup and control bank doors
- Modifiable functions to integrate other resources such as alerting police, etc.
- Group tables of loot for use at separate banks.
- Reward items or currency
- Adjust the amount per item/currency based on min/max values
- Custom labels for each item
4 banks preconfigured (Valentine, Blackwater, Rhodes, and Saint Denis)
- Configure bank locations
- Require on duty jobs
- Enable/Disable
- Adjust the amount required to be on duty
- Adjust what job names are required
- Ped Spawns
- Enable/Disable
- Adjust the amount of peds spawn
- Adjust the amount of ped spawn waves
- Set the ped model that will spawn
- Main Vault Door / Explosive
- Adjust the door hash for the vault door (This resource will handle locking/unlocking the main vault door)
- Adjust the position and rotation of where the explosive device is placed
- Adjust the location to plant the device
- Modify the skill check function for planting the device
- Loot
- Adjust the location of each vault
- Adjust the vault model, positions, and rotations (you shouldn’t need to touch this unless you have some custom map files)
- Disable physical vault doors for static looting locations
- Adjust the loot table given to the player upon a successful loot
- Modify the skill check function for vault cracking
- Doors (for gs_doorlocks )
- Automatically setup bank doors and lock them
- Automatically enable lock picking when the robbery has been started
Video Examples
This resource uses 0.0 resmon when idle and not within UIPrompt range of equipment, also maintains a light network footprint for a smooth experience all around.
This resource is configured for Vorp by default but you can modify it for any framework
Other Resources
Code is accessible | Partial |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | ~2000 |
Requirements | N/A |
Support | Yes |