Voice Chat problem - "You sound like Darth Vader"

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GTA V version?
Latest (Oct 3d 2018)
Up to date?
Legit or Pirate copy?
Steam/CD/Social Club?
Windows version?
Windows 10 home
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again?
no, not yet, have now tried, but it did not work.
System specifications
Asus F550JK:
Intel Core i5-4200H cpu @ 2.8 GHz
8 GB Ram (7,89 usable)
64-bit system & x64 processor
GeForce GTX 850M 2GB dedicated VRAM
Using a wired razer headset (with mic) with a 3.5mm combo jack
What did you do to get this issue?
Has been present all the time
What server did you get this issue on?
All servers
CitizenFX.log file
2nd log with caches.xml deleted: https://pastebin.com/TGthxhDz
.dmp files/report IDs
(Unsure if these are related to my problem)

Also add what you already tried so far.
Restarting the game, different servers, restarting the computer, other mic.
Deleting and redownloading the “cache” folder
Changing all the settings in the voicechat (mic enabled, correct source selected, sensitivity all the way up, volume halfway up, push to talk).
Deleting caches.xml

Problem Description:
So, the problem is basically that I (according to others) sound like Darth Vader (sound very deep) and am completely non- understandable in the voicechat, which in turn makes FiveM unplayable since it basically is a requirement to roleplay.

The problem is not with the Mic itself, since I can hear myself fine when listening to the device and through other programs such as TeamSpeak, the problem is Unique to FiveM.

Please help!

EDIT: I don’t know if the problem is present in regular GTA V since I never use the voicechat there, also, since some ppl IG thought I was using a voice changer: that is not the case.

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1 Like

Hi there, One time i had this problem. I saw you tried to remove cache, But try to remove the cache folder include the “game” folder. For me that solved the problem!

The “game” folder is inside the cache folder. I deleted the entire cache folder so that FiveM redownloaded the files… Unless there is another “game” folder outside the “cache” folder?

Yeah i meant that one inside in cache, many people forget to remove that one, But hmm then idk dude, Sounds weird that nothing works, Tried to restarted router? idk if that will make any sense but always good to try

Yup, I did that once. To clarify, this problem has persisted several days.

I have a solid ~20 MBit connection… Also, I’ve had this problem on other networks as well.

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