
haha forget this rich presence?

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Uhm, are you using debugging mode? Edit: Yep, you are lol

Will be removed (when not in debug mode, if you are debugging then it’ll still be there) in a future version :wink:


This is amazing :heart:

@KeyWest how dis you change the name form vespura to keywest on the menu. Cant seem to find the line

Its auto detected ) Just create your name in fivem start page

Like keywest said, it automatically changes the title to your own username whenever you join :wink:

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I have some good news and bad news.

Good news: found the bug why scrolling is ridiculously fast for some people, but not for others.
Bad news: I don’t know how to fix it in NativeUI just yet.

As a temporary solution, enable the vSync setting: (in pause menu > Settings > Graphics > vSync: On).
If that doesn’t work, try limiting your frame rate to 60 FPS some other way until I can figure out how to fix this in NativeUI.


How would I make it so only admins can use the menu?

A good place to start is here then after that, go here. If after both of those you still have trouble, then PM me.

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Why not ADD an Info section where you have the discord website and the cmds like /help /cmds /rules…

Wrong topic? as this resource doesn’t have any commands?

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I think he is asking you to add info to discord so that you dont have to keep answering the same questions over and over :smiley:

well, I would, but

That’s exactly what the wiki is for… Yet if people don’t read it, why would they read a “FAQ” page in the discord? I don’t think they will, instead they’ll join and ask the same exact question there :wink:

Besides all that, my discord link is on my profile page anyway :wink:


Read i dunno what that is please help me perform this hard difficult task


I’ve got it somewhat fixed. However, the menu will become slightly less responsive. So. If you want to get the absolute best performance with the menu, then lock your FPS to 60.

So, the changes (coming in a future release):
removed because I’ve found a better solution, tba.


that’s not a fix, that is pretty much bullshit :confused:

there’s better ways to handle key repeat in a way that doesn’t involve ‘FPS checks’ and ‘arbitrary delays’, including simply only scrolling once on initial press and repeating after a fixed timespan (using GetGameTimer), possibly speeding up consecutive repeats, similar to how Windows repeat behavior works

you can, stop coding things to assume a fixed frame rate

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no but in the menu you add one more thing and its called Info and you have the discord website and the usefull cmds

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Except I didn’t code NativeUI, all control handling is done by NativeUI and there’s nothing I can do in my own code to improve it.

edit: Just thought of another way to handle it myself without having to use NativeUI. Will use that instead.

However, I still didn’t “code things to assume a fixed rate” my code was perfectly fine, NativeUI being the problem.

Hence I didn’t release that version yet to try and improve it without too much breaking of NativeUI itself.
Like stated, it was never meant to be a permanent “fix” or whatever “trash” you want to call it/think it is.


Ah I see, well there are already some links that point you to this, which then gives you the option to either get it sorted here, or contact me directly :wink:


Ok Thx il contact you because it can help alot of players

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