Vehicles created server-side using CREATE_AUTOMOBILE are not persistent

1. Environment information
Production client, recommended server artifacts (5562), game build 2189
Default FXServer with default resources

2. Description
200 server-side vehicles are spawned server-side throughout Los Santos using ‘CREATE_AUTOMOBILE’. Two clients start moving around / teleporting between the vehicle spawn points every 500msec.

3. Expected behaviour

The created vehicles are persistent and won’t despawn.

4. Actual behaviour

The vehicles start rapidly despawning.

5. Reproducing the bug

  • Launch two clients (-cl2)
  • Make both of the clients move around the spawns - command /startmoving on both clients
  • Spawn the vehicles - command /spawnvehicles

Vehicles start rapidly despawning, detected despawns are printed into the console.

CODE - Reproducing - server.lua
local vehicleCoords = {
    { x = -1132.395, y = -1070.607, z = 1.64372, h = 120.00 },
    { x = -935.1176, y = -1080.552, z = 1.683342, h = 120.1060 },
    { x = -1074.953, y = -1160.545, z = 1.661577, h = 119.0 },
    { x = 381.10302734375, y = -1153.779296875, z = 28.513660430908, h = 180.10758972168 },
    { x = 405.35269165039, y = -1153.8138427734, z = 28.513921737671, h = 359.27075195312 },
    { x = 359.45288085938, y = -1110.1260986328, z = 28.628881454468, h = 90.295188903809 },
    { x = 340.31781005859, y = -1084.0903320312, z = 28.646812438965, h = 3.0050227642059 },
    { x = 332.4697265625, y = -1010.6281738281, z = 28.515481948853, h = 358.79641723633 },
    { x = 332.4697265625, y = -1010.6281738281, z = 28.515481948853, h = 358.79641723633 },
    { x = 296.65258789062, y = -999.00079345703, z = 28.444263458252, h = 89.325325012207 },
    { x = 227.0224609375, y = -919.35217285156, z = 24.298204421997, h = 144.26905822754 },
    { x = 208.87692260742, y = -972.25946044922, z = 26.39536857605, h = 171.53894042969 },
    { x = 132.28121948242, y = -1070.2010498047, z = 28.414237976074, h = 0.42308968305588 },
    { x = 122.70491790771, y = -1069.9591064453, z = 28.414402008057, h = 180.25904846191 },
    { x = 39.281467437744, y = -1093.3752441406, z = 28.624530792236, h = 90.911087036133 },
    { x = -8.2242012023926, y = -1111.7640380859, z = 27.795057296753, h = 158.72105407715 },
    { x = -62.453201293945, y = -1162.0634765625, z = 25.218929290771, h = 176.16481018066 },
    { x = -27.635154724121, y = -1270.5238037109, z = 28.500238418579, h = 269.97686767578 },
    { x = -157.65078735352, y = -1307.5628662109, z = 30.538124084473, h = 87.405364990234 },
    { x = -182.11190795898, y = -1265.5743408203, z = 30.51805305481, h = 2.9911887645721 },
    { x = -202.08853149414, y = -1255.513671875, z = 30.520172119141, h = 90.712280273438 },
    { x = -235.03494262695, y = -1273.6019287109, z = 30.517679214478, h = 193.28044128418 },
    { x = -184.95895385742, y = -1340.2768554688, z = 30.519437789917, h = 173.65769958496 },
    { x = -207.72161865234, y = -1346.0062255859, z = 30.255317687988, h = 268.74426269531 },
    { x = -213.98637390137, y = -1397.1680908203, z = 30.487127304077, h = 356.52624511719 },
    { x = -211.81037902832, y = -1358.6741943359, z = 30.483009338379, h = 287.65979003906 },
    { x = -183.46331787109, y = -1361.3992919922, z = 30.484239578247, h = 220.43296813965 },
    { x = -168.22343444824, y = -1427.9482421875, z = 30.398170471191, h = 124.36598968506 },
    { x = -143.37347412109, y = -1452.7094726562, z = 32.688591003418, h = 320.54467773438 },
    { x = -108.04354095459, y = -1452.9669189453, z = 32.672637939453, h = 229.07319641113 },
    { x = -92.451881408691, y = -1466.4520263672, z = 32.273059844971, h = 231.34111022949 },
    { x = -51.917060852051, y = -1504.8914794922, z = 30.474416732788, h = 232.39654541016 },
    { x = -20.326156616211, y = -1532.1983642578, z = 29.147260665894, h = 229.10583496094 },
    { x = 62.641696929932, y = -1546.1403808594, z = 28.682067871094, h = 47.009552001953 },
    { x = 41.680381774902, y = -1627.1560058594, z = 28.51251411438, h = 321.60498046875 },
    { x = 171.58502197266, y = -1624.5302734375, z = 28.513711929321, h = 298.36993408203 },
    { x = 159.349609375, y = -1647.8773193359, z = 28.514421463013, h = 32.847663879395 },
    { x = 174.83067321777, y = -1649.5673828125, z = 28.513729095459, h = 318.77493286133 },
    { x = 277.08264160156, y = -1553.3999023438, z = 28.261072158813, h = 299.29153442383 },
    { x = 333.52719116211, y = -1480.1038818359, z = 28.902006149292, h = 118.08385467529 },
    { x = 415.29977416992, y = -1431.3942871094, z = 28.633825302124, h = 209.23208618164 },
    { x = 378.80065917969, y = -1445.7684326172, z = 28.653127670288, h = 234.17939758301 },
    { x = 330.36517333984, y = -1266.7752685547, z = 30.927949905396, h = 1.1224490404129 },
    { x = 312.02001953125, y = -1245.6719970703, z = 29.043399810791, h = 91.268157958984 },
    { x = 335.10571289062, y = -1242.4332275391, z = 29.80687713623, h = 176.6711730957 },
    { x = 385.27484130859, y = -1262.7963867188, z = 31.56162071228, h = 324.10446166992 },
    { x = 416.07681274414, y = -1287.4415283203, z = 29.491140365601, h = 322.8141784668 },
    { x = 474.29086303711, y = -1281.6904296875, z = 28.760990142822, h = 177.40217590332 },
    { x = 518.8818359375, y = -1309.4584960938, z = 28.875928878784, h = 177.80101013184 },
    { x = 498.36383056641, y = -1521.4479980469, z = 28.510683059692, h = 321.38299560547 },
    { x = 478.93817138672, y = -1515.65625, z = 28.51261138916, h = 105.90324401855 },
    { x = 445.27716064453, y = -1497.8635253906, z = 28.518472671509, h = 109.17314910889 },
    { x = 438.87155151367, y = -1518.3863525391, z = 28.501308441162, h = 139.84756469727 },
    { x = 453.15570068359, y = -1558.5111083984, z = 28.504587173462, h = 321.1686706543 },
    { x = 1075.4683837891, y = -3342.5432128906, z = 5.1225695610046, h = 89.582641601562 },
    { x = 954.79223632812, y = -3337.18359375, z = 5.1231436729431, h = 90.065505981445 },
    { x = 856.23498535156, y = -3336.6821289062, z = 5.1240911483765, h = 90.364837646484 },
    { x = 816.10327148438, y = -3339.5715332031, z = 5.1231389045715, h = 274.20825195312 },
    { x = 833.78405761719, y = -3310.2424316406, z = 5.1226110458374, h = 359.75845336914 },
    { x = 781.07183837891, y = -3291.0007324219, z = 5.2175488471985, h = 159.99211120605 },
    { x = 799.74090576172, y = -3282.1860351562, z = 5.1223373413086, h = 338.47860717773 },
    { x = 890.29180908203, y = -3285.6604003906, z = 5.1187214851379, h = 269.51162719727 },
    { x = 853.27252197266, y = -3267.6025390625, z = 5.122745513916, h = 86.430038452148 },
    { x = 860.47808837891, y = -3238.7006835938, z = 5.1169605255127, h = 359.42471313477 },
    { x = 848.93359375, y = -3209.6623535156, z = 5.1227383613586, h = 356.98684692383 },
    { x = 771.55603027344, y = -3213.8002929688, z = 5.1224269866943, h = 356.21212768555 },
    { x = 805.96795654297, y = -3187.224609375, z = 5.1229205131531, h = 255.60211181641 },
    { x = 954.40203857422, y = -3241.5444335938, z = 5.1182012557983, h = 302.48825073242 },
    { x = 1123.6868896484, y = -3235.8200683594, z = 5.1165504455566, h = 178.62518310547 },
    { x = 1187.9471435547, y = -3246.2927246094, z = 5.2503509521484, h = 272.16519165039 },
    { x = 1244.7121582031, y = -3292.271484375, z = 4.8891935348511, h = 180.51786804199 },
    { x = 1281.4193115234, y = -3251.658203125, z = 5.1241664886475, h = 177.87847900391 },
    { x = 1293.0848388672, y = -3098.3874511719, z = 5.1284956932068, h = 358.27767944336 },
    { x = 1183.1021728516, y = -3074.8723144531, z = 5.1174569129944, h = 90.378852844238 },
    { x = 1184.7661132812, y = -3032.1630859375, z = 5.1240043640137, h = 359.5832824707 },
    { x = 1210.4682617188, y = -2930.6689453125, z = 5.0874266624451, h = 359.88815307617 },
    { x = 823.02484130859, y = -2983.1430664062, z = 5.242564201355, h = 179.35771179199 },
    { x = 742.31695556641, y = -3163.9455566406, z = 5.1221342086792, h = 356.00048828125 },
    { x = 720.58367919922, y = -3154.0515136719, z = 5.1190242767334, h = 89.082870483398 },
    { x = 1366.6646728516, y = -1706.0999755859, z = 61.475933074951, h = 102.3224029541 },
    { x = 1320.0759277344, y = -1718.0041503906, z = 54.121845245361, h = 110.65202331543 },
    { x = 1217.5520019531, y = -1759.5603027344, z = 39.73067855835, h = 101.63690948486 },
    { x = 1189.1735839844, y = -1729.5877685547, z = 35.463459014893, h = 34.003570556641 },
    { x = 1164.2103271484, y = -1690.5368652344, z = 34.962074279785, h = 347.20776367188 },
    { x = 1167.8177490234, y = -1645.4289550781, z = 36.141765594482, h = 124.20643615723 },
    { x = 1196.5239257812, y = -1393.9038085938, z = 34.446014404297, h = 180.47817993164 },
    { x = 1179.0280761719, y = -1372.1571044922, z = 34.100402832031, h = 265.43179321289 },
    { x = 1101.5218505859, y = -1459.3857421875, z = 33.913860321045, h = 272.73333740234 },
    { x = 1219.1195068359, y = -1524.4659423828, z = 33.914535522461, h = 2.3059442043304 },
    { x = 1244.4597167969, y = -1495.6785888672, z = 33.914863586426, h = 87.876121520996 },
    { x = 1167.1665039062, y = -1542.4001464844, z = 38.622730255127, h = 90.086769104004 },
    { x = 1213.1247558594, y = -1540.1497802734, z = 38.62381362915, h = 90.286735534668 },
    { x = 1055.2506103516, y = -1426.3776855469, z = 35.819583892822, h = 90.789932250977 },
    { x = 946.84649658203, y = -1413.4582519531, z = 30.478984832764, h = 91.748657226562 },
    { x = 1015.4511108398, y = -1418.4078369141, z = 28.356994628906, h = 89.411010742188 },
    { x = 963.58135986328, y = -1386.7664794922, z = 20.387601852417, h = 313.23809814453 },
    { x = 756.12506103516, y = -1336.3083496094, z = 25.453071594238, h = 269.47320556641 },
    { x = 704.15509033203, y = -1373.3024902344, z = 25.371915817261, h = 279.07977294922 },
    { x = 729.96008300781, y = -1322.9173583984, z = 25.501976013184, h = 90.011001586914 },
    { x = 724.46392822266, y = -1272.6787109375, z = 25.505905151367, h = 271.70550537109 },
    { x = 833.47528076172, y = -1259.1647949219, z = 25.547023773193, h = 179.31855773926 },
    { x = 824.18170166016, y = -1055.3508300781, z = 27.163372039795, h = 359.71835327148 },
    { x = 854.64752197266, y = -1044.4432373047, z = 27.984485626221, h = 272.51745605469 },
    { x = 859.72625732422, y = -1025.5810546875, z = 29.200584411621, h = 178.96978759766 },
    { x = -168.61157226562, y = 971.60205078125, z = 235.92958068848, h = 321.28411865234 },
    { x = -72.967483520508, y = 905.28643798828, z = 234.86073303223, h = 165.99377441406 },
    { x = -68.578285217285, y = 894.31127929688, z = 234.75746154785, h = 116.78032684326 },
    { x = -106.3087310791, y = 834.48449707031, z = 234.92633056641, h = 7.7559833526611 },
    { x = -136.52127075195, y = 903.20794677734, z = 234.94560241699, h = 224.7709197998 },
    { x = -164.65962219238, y = 935.41156005859, z = 234.8776550293, h = 223.69580078125 },
    { x = -164.65962219238, y = 935.41156005859, z = 234.8776550293, h = 223.69580078125 },
    { x = -265.59112548828, y = 718.40844726562, z = 206.49041748047, h = 269.25082397461 },
    { x = -281.33853149414, y = 739.74816894531, z = 207.40921020508, h = 191.98275756836 },
    { x = -144.12997436523, y = 596.70465087891, z = 203.00302124023, h = 53.244781494141 },
    { x = -222.7281036377, y = 609.03094482422, z = 189.68684387207, h = 88.933418273926 },
    { x = -344.94216918945, y = 662.15777587891, z = 168.83485412598, h = 352.82815551758 },
    { x = -346.54779052734, y = 636.51159667969, z = 171.3115234375, h = 53.902099609375 },
    { x = -464.4111328125, y = 643.84747314453, z = 143.40759277344, h = 46.298904418945 },
    { x = -478.84457397461, y = 599.98181152344, z = 126.66938781738, h = 274.40194702148 },
    { x = -578.09655761719, y = 400.59072875977, z = 99.883750915527, h = 7.9057087898254 },
    { x = -604.35290527344, y = 400.20269775391, z = 100.704246521, h = 3.1504633426666 },
    { x = -615.94189453125, y = 331.85189819336, z = 84.339042663574, h = 355.93838500977 },
    { x = -598.47094726562, y = 344.09124755859, z = 84.338447570801, h = 174.67671203613 },
    { x = -563.81488037109, y = 315.16845703125, z = 83.625419616699, h = 86.010482788086 },
    { x = -547.89984130859, y = 333.22506713867, z = 83.592445373535, h = 84.760520935059 },
    { x = -627.90795898438, y = 289.24139404297, z = 80.861381530762, h = 178.18685913086 },
    { x = -701.52770996094, y = 303.85763549805, z = 82.318855285645, h = 179.57131958008 },
    { x = -737.92895507812, y = 371.10745239258, z = 87.092475891113, h = 90.560188293457 },
    { x = -781.05340576172, y = 372.68237304688, z = 87.097206115723, h = 178.10675048828 },
    { x = -824.82061767578, y = 272.70172119141, z = 85.501037597656, h = 297.89501953125 },
    { x = -878.49395751953, y = 260.02142333984, z = 74.128234863281, h = 53.447834014893 },
    { x = -943.12615966797, y = 307.57208251953, z = 70.376037597656, h = 181.23956298828 },
    { x = -1461.5960693359, y = -24.189952850342, z = 53.868923187256, h = 49.325679779053 },
    { x = -1538.5098876953, y = -83.514785766602, z = 53.357986450195, h = 3.68399477005 },
    { x = -1575.9102783203, y = -85.515686035156, z = 53.357063293457, h = 269.80270385742 },
    { x = -1579.5494384766, y = -59.466163635254, z = 55.713489532471, h = 271.58685302734 },
    { x = -1559.068359375, y = -48.567775726318, z = 55.736541748047, h = 345.97430419922 },
    { x = -1454.5997314453, y = -53.707511901855, z = 52.498474121094, h = 245.5110168457 },
    { x = -1668.8112792969, y = -233.65586853027, z = 54.030250549316, h = 251.99996948242 },
    { x = -1677.1878662109, y = -300.64517211914, z = 51.033443450928, h = 146.16970825195 },
    { x = -1633.5816650391, y = -355.29821777344, z = 48.245246887207, h = 47.34986114502 },
    { x = -1724.7952880859, y = -448.66339111328, z = 41.141189575195, h = 50.698768615723 },
    { x = -1846.2779541016, y = -611.13525390625, z = 10.511645317078, h = 225.99827575684 },
    { x = -2008.1260986328, y = -485.98715209961, z = 10.623811721802, h = 320.6484375 },
    { x = -2061.28125, y = -454.99398803711, z = 10.835847854614, h = 139.06498718262 },
    { x = -1951.0778808594, y = -512.85949707031, z = 11.076464653015, h = 231.28071594238 },
    { x = -1804.8937988281, y = -635.73913574219, z = 10.215909004211, h = 226.51567077637 },
    { x = -1736.4794921875, y = -731.73950195312, z = 9.6398506164551, h = 143.80670166016 },
    { x = -1597.4138183594, y = -846.07397460938, z = 9.2076921463013, h = 139.9801940918 },
    { x = -1608.5576171875, y = -814.89111328125, z = 9.2523241043091, h = 142.97053527832 },
    { x = -1638.5118408203, y = -808.62548828125, z = 9.4205894470215, h = 141.64978027344 },
    { x = -1646.5758056641, y = -881.17376708984, z = 8.1849603652954, h = 141.41758728027 },
    { x = -1435.2673339844, y = -887.37054443359, z = 10.031817436218, h = 152.7971496582 },
    { x = -1467.7420654297, y = -925.82550048828, z = 9.2858629226685, h = 269.6950378418 },
    { x = -1416.7803955078, y = -956.10406494141, z = 6.4482283592224, h = 62.215549468994 },
    { x = -1483.2042236328, y = -1038.5737304688, z = 5.0854644775391, h = 231.31251525879 },
    { x = -1309.8218994141, y = -1001.8010864258, z = 6.8655800819397, h = 97.656723022461 },
    { x = -1326.0323486328, y = -1136.9603271484, z = 3.5611860752106, h = 179.48051452637 },
    { x = -1314.6477050781, y = -1235.1505126953, z = 3.950047492981, h = 198.99977111816 },
    { x = -1319.4075927734, y = -1254.4190673828, z = 3.814110994339, h = 251.14872741699 },
    { x = -1306.6843261719, y = -1312.1889648438, z = 4.1032133102417, h = 286.75088500977 },
    { x = -1305.5816650391, y = -1329.3898925781, z = 3.8959441184998, h = 111.40664672852 },
    { x = -1251.2720947266, y = -1412.3695068359, z = 3.5361456871033, h = 302.57797241211 },
    { x = -1217.9008789062, y = -1424.6380615234, z = 3.5517466068268, h = 217.27085876465 },
    { x = -1200.8939208984, y = -1487.5108642578, z = 3.5971801280975, h = 305.658203125 },
    { x = -1158.8029785156, y = -1550.6973876953, z = 3.5240032672882, h = 304.43212890625 },
    { x = -1150.7861328125, y = -1562.1158447266, z = 3.5818264484406, h = 37.994037628174 },
    { x = -1112.4696044922, y = -1516.4532470703, z = 3.5959868431091, h = 124.27941131592 },
    { x = -1087.6472167969, y = -1498.908203125, z = 4.1616268157959, h = 303.70687866211 },
    { x = -1061.5006103516, y = -1451.4041748047, z = 4.3866209983826, h = 308.50451660156 },
    { x = -1048.2716064453, y = -1395.5352783203, z = 4.6452827453613, h = 78.99382019043 },
    { x = -1040.9024658203, y = -1323.1934814453, z = 4.6792364120483, h = 74.16674041748 },
    { x = -1014.6165161133, y = -1349.8037109375, z = 4.6872429847717, h = 28.66400718689 },
    { x = -1028.0306396484, y = -1426.5777587891, z = 4.5999240875244, h = 256.16537475586 },
    { x = -1009.4136962891, y = -1465.8919677734, z = 4.2206687927246, h = 214.13409423828 },
    { x = -971.01165771484, y = -1471.4519042969, z = 4.2405920028687, h = 285.85260009766 },
    { x = -881.97668457031, y = -1486.1311035156, z = 4.246392250061, h = 111.38552856445 },
    { x = -893.27197265625, y = -1527.4483642578, z = 4.2455463409424, h = 109.59564971924 },
    { x = -922.52264404297, y = -1542.4047851562, z = 4.2412128448486, h = 20.964824676514 },
    { x = -963.28961181641, y = -1590.9881591797, z = 4.2408967018127, h = 17.465837478638 },
    { x = -981.15142822266, y = -1588.0540771484, z = 4.262481212616, h = 109.12644958496 },
    { x = -1038.7161865234, y = -1593.4896240234, z = 4.0773878097534, h = 124.29933929443 },
    { x = -1176.529296875, y = -1744.4836425781, z = 3.2371351718903, h = 35.223789215088 },
    { x = -1206.2727050781, y = -1685.7711181641, z = 3.2555592060089, h = 127.37949371338 },
    { x = -1229.6109619141, y = -1652.3647460938, z = 3.333221912384, h = 124.8539352417 },
    { x = -1218.7376708984, y = -1794.5814208984, z = 3.1323616504669, h = 211.9691619873 },
    { x = -1190.5062255859, y = -1810.8951416016, z = 3.1303761005402, h = 276.46899414062 },
    { x = -911.10906982422, y = -1292.8430175781, z = 4.2390036582947, h = 198.48197937012 },
    { x = -854.06848144531, y = -1257.9916992188, z = 4.2234950065613, h = 229.3759765625 },
    { x = -799.73358154297, y = -1333.2332763672, z = 4.221996307373, h = 260.49719238281 },
    { x = -744.57794189453, y = -1310.2629394531, z = 4.2221693992615, h = 231.6915435791 },
    { x = -710.91687011719, y = -1275.1044921875, z = 4.2219638824463, h = 139.43479919434 },
    { x = -686.70135498047, y = -1321.2764892578, z = 4.3237833976746, h = 139.10333251953 },
    { x = -641.08355712891, y = -1220.125, z = 10.724373817444, h = 306.20663452148 },
    { x = -607.14605712891, y = -1215.4674072266, z = 13.715125083923, h = 308.55917358398 },
    { x = -319.50119018555, y = -1407.0771484375, z = 30.356531143188, h = 89.056549072266 },
    { x = -233.40135192871, y = -1277.6157226562, z = 30.517833709717, h = 200.31573486328 },
    { x = -157.84590148926, y = -1306.2801513672, z = 30.5172996521, h = 85.637046813965 },
    { x = -177.52615356445, y = -1358.6309814453, z = 29.959594726562, h = 212.7269744873 },
    { x = -139.20028686523, y = -1423.3088378906, z = 29.857948303223, h = 116.98588562012 },
    { x = 3.5645756721497, y = -1405.8399658203, z = 28.486812591553, h = 89.509231567383 },
    { x = 15.95108795166, y = -1338.7067871094, z = 28.50478553772, h = 180.82217407227 }

local lastKnownVehicleAmount = 0
local vehicleIds = {}

local function spawnServerVehicles()
    for _, v in ipairs(vehicleCoords) do
        local CreateAutomobile = GetHashKey('CREATE_AUTOMOBILE')
        local vehicle = Citizen.InvokeNative(CreateAutomobile, GetHashKey('asbo'), v.x, v.y, v.z, v.h)

        while not DoesEntityExist(vehicle) do

        table.insert(vehicleIds, vehicle)
        lastKnownVehicleAmount = lastKnownVehicleAmount + 1

    print('Created ' .. lastKnownVehicleAmount .. ' server-side vehicles at GameTimer ' .. GetGameTimer())

RegisterCommand('spawnvehicles', function()

local function getAmountOfExistingVehicles()
    local count = 0

    for _, v in ipairs(vehicleIds) do
        if DoesEntityExist(v) then
            count = count + 1

    return count

    while true do
        local count = getAmountOfExistingVehicles()

        if lastKnownVehicleAmount ~= count then
            print('Detected the deletion of ' .. lastKnownVehicleAmount - count .. ' vehicles at GameTimer ' .. GetGameTimer())
            lastKnownVehicleAmount = count
            print('Total amount of deleted vehicles is now: ', #vehicleCoords - lastKnownVehicleAmount)


RegisterCommand('startmoving', function(source)
    while true do
        local randomCoords = vehicleCoords[math.random(1, #vehicleCoords)]
        SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source), randomCoords.x, randomCoords.y, randomCoords.z)

RegisterCommand('deletevehicles', function()
    for _, v in ipairs(vehicleIds) do
        if DoesEntityExist(v) then

Within 77 seconds of starting the script, 75/202 vehicles are despawned. Output from the repro code:


This doesn’t happen when the server is empty or only one client is in the server. When at least two clients are moving around, vehicles start to despawn. Presumably something to do with ownership transferring. This happens under ‘normal’ server operation as well. The amount of spawns and the amount of moving here is exaggerated for reproduction.

This is continued from my previous topic, where it was stated that CREATE_AUTOMOBILE vehicles should be persistent and not despawn (until disowned by script):

The goal of this is trying to achieve persisent vehicles which won’t despawn until disowned by script.


Possibly related to Game build 2699 - Vehicles become despawn when you move away from their scope - #7 by d-bubble

The solution commit referenced in that thread (fix(scripting/five): script names for b2699 · citizenfx/fivem@7236080 · GitHub) seems to add a different behaviour for game build 2699 only, leaving other builds untouched.

This current issue is occuring on b2189 and has been so for months. But they are still possibly related, yes.


Not directly, but the same thing with script ownership being accidentally removed, perhaps.

This was a bit fragile in the past, too, and perhaps a quick workaround would be that these entities should just reject any client-side removal/update of script ownership (and only be able to be disowned by server script).

(reason for it being fragile, I believe, is the ‘activation flag’ thing that requires this data node to be sent in a second pass)

It would be great if we’d have a server-side native to toggle client-side removal / OneSync cleanup for a specific entity.

This would allow us to make other entities (not just CREATE_AUTOMOBILE vehicles) persistent as well after spawning them. Or make them non-persistant with the toggle, once a script is content with it despawning.

However, for the time being, the quick workaround you mentioned for CREATE_AUTOMOBILE would be sufficient - or was this a general workaround for other entities too? (not sure). Anyway, whatever to make the vehicles persistent, as despawning impacts players heavily. Especially in RP servers where you can’t just spawn a new one.

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FWIW, this issue is in the queue to be looked at still.

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One fix for this issue is present as of fix(gamestate/server): reject removal of script ownership for server-… · citizenfx/fivem@dd2e1c9 · GitHub.


… and got reverted as it’s apparently broken, and I don’t want to keep HEAD in a broken state for too long.

The initial feedback is that it did make vehicles more persistent. Tested in live, had vehicles sitting in some places successfully for 8+ hours with clients coming/leaving. Before this, these would have been despawned for sure, and a lot earlier.

However, after a long time, some vehicles still did despawn (haven’t been able to reproduce this, though. will try in the future). Hope this fix will get reintroduced soon with the problem (which you reverted this for) fixed.

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I have also been working on persistent vehicles for my server, the native one I use now is CreateVehicleServerSetter, but I have noticed the behavior that the vehicles are disappearing as described, does this have a solution?

did you try finding fix for this?

For now the solution for me was to generate a small loop on the server side that every so often checks if a vehicle no longer exists and comes back and generates it for me, I know it is not the best solution but for now it is what it is. although I still notice very strange behaviors such as vehicle license plates changing numbers

yeah, for me after getting a lot of reports that vehicle getting poofed while they are in the vehicle, i found out that the vehicle is still exist in server it just not there, so now i created a server track to see where vehicle goes