Vehicle Kits - Wheel Stancer, Nitro Kits, Custom Engine and Turbo!

is there any “special” version of esx required like 1.1 or final ? i cant use it Standalone either lol gives me a Script error in Server lua 104

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Is there a reason why the script just decides to break when i drive and the wheels reset themselves?

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Can you tell what script?
If its stancer, it does work on esx older version too.


Is onesync enable?

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yeah it’s enabled but every once in a while the wheel camber wont stick but the suspension height would save

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you mean its like flickering?
if yes i might really need to do it 0ms wait time…but this will decrease the performance a little bit.

you can try changing the line 289
sleep = 0

bubble always say 0ms is the best for all specially for high FPS.

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[      script:stancer] SCRIPT ERROR: Execution of native 00000000e8522d58 in script host failed: Tried to access invalid entity: 137805
[      script:stancer] > GetVehicleNumberPlateText (GetVehicleNumberPlateText.lua:2)
[      script:stancer] > handler (@stancer/server.lua:123)

Getting this at random times.

Can this be the issue when a vehicle is created and deleted in few seconds?

Fix :

AddEventHandler('entityCreated', function(entity)
  local entity = entity
  if DoesEntityExist(entity) and GetEntityPopulationType(entity) == 7 and GetEntityType(entity) == 2 then
    if DoesEntityExist(entity) == false then
    local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(entity)
    if stancer[plate] and stancer[plate].stancer then
      local ent = Entity(entity).state
      ent.stancer = stancer[plate].stancer
      stancer[plate].online = true

thats the case, if entity is qued for creation and deleted from client before it reaches the 4 second check (for owned plate gen)


This usually happens when they cycle cars in PDM or take one out from a PD garage for few seconds to see how they look.

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PDM? and PD garage?

you mean choosing from showroom or garage

spawn it as not network , so it wont throw a signal for entitycreation

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does your version of stancer does not have this DoesEntityExist(entity)?

this is the updated version (fixed maybe 3-4 days after release)

AddEventHandler('entityCreated', function(entity)
  local entity = entity
  if DoesEntityExist(entity) and GetEntityPopulationType(entity) == 7 and GetEntityType(entity) == 2 then
    local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(entity)
    if stancer[plate] and stancer[plate].stancer then
      local ent = Entity(entity).state
      ent.stancer = stancer[plate].stancer
      stancer[plate].online = true

I get this error

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Updating server file will avoid this.

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You mean updating artifacts? or updating esx be more clear please


the stancer resource, sorry i am not clear

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Whats the use of /changenitro and how does the nitrobottle2, nitrobottle3 work?

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hey @Renzuzu

Stancer i can use but the heights is not usable.

and ,turbo sound will not run ? can you help me

Does the stancer work with ESX now or is it just QBCore?

bro its

  • Multiple Framework (QBCORE, ESX, Standalone)

Hey there question about Renzu_engine.

almost everything is working fine (nice script btw) BUT the engine audio doesnt change if the vehicle is just left on the map after a restart. When we get in the vehicle its just the sound from the beginning not the changed one. if we park it in the normal garage and get it out again it will change.

any way to fix this ?

Great script works perfect i just added positive + camber but need a wheel sizer :thinking: