Used Car Market ( Buy And Sell Vehicle's ) [PAID] [ESX]

Main Market

Vehicle Details

Your Vehicle List

Place Ad Inputs

Preview Video :


  • Returning the car to your garage after expired your ad
  • You can reduce the commission after the sale
  • The ability to test and see the car before buying
  • You can have more categories to easily find the desired vehicles from advertisements
  • The ability to search for vehicles in ads
  • You can use it with all garage scripts
  • Color classification, number of passengers, drift vehicles
  • You can bookmark your desired ads
  • The NPC greets you when you approach
  • When the player is not in your server, but car is sold, money is added to his bank offline
    *All required functions are open source (for escrow version).

Config = {}

Config.Mysql = "oxmysql"   --- oxmysql, ghmattimysql, mysql-async

Config.ESX_1_9_0 = true   ---- if you are using ESX version 1.9 or higher 
Config.GetSharedObject = 'esx:getSharedObject'  --- if you are using ESX version 1.8.9 or lower version ESX

Config.GithubVersionCheck = true

Config.GithubName = 'ataUsedCarMarket_ESX' -----!!!! DONT CHANGE PLEASEEE !!!!

Config.BuyWithBank = false  --- if false player need to buy with cash 
Config.Commission_Percentage = 10 ---The default amount is 10%, that is, the money that is credited to the car owner's account is reduced by 10%

Config.UsedMarket = { --- location market NPC and open market place 
    pedcoords = vector4(-56.834819793701,-1098.7476806641,25.422330856323, 25.567827224731), --- NPC coord
    pedModel = 'a_m_y_business_01', --- NPC model
    markercoord = vector3(-57.235652923584,-1097.29296875,25.422338485718),
    markerConfig = {
        Type = 1,
        rgb = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 0}
    blip = {
        color = 48,
        name = 'Used Car Market',
        scale = 1.0,
        sprite = 524

Config.Coordinates = {
    SpawnVehicleBUY = {
        coord = vector3(-10.687877655029,-1098.7456054688,26.672069549561),
        heading = 156.90705871582
    SpawnTestVehicle = {
        coord = vector3(-1058.7164306641,-2902.3742675781,13.527755737305),
        heading = 169.27891540527
    SpawnPreviewVehicle = {
        coord = vector3(-43.035690307617,-1098.615234375,26.422353744507),
        heading = 69.159294128418


Config.Ui = {
    ['What does the day mean ?'] = {
        'It is your time to advertise. if your car is not sold, it will return to your garage during the day you chose'
    ['Sales commission ?'] = {
        'The sales commission after the sale is 10%, which means the amount you enter will be reduced by 10% and will be deposited into your account after sale'
    ['Be sure to read'] = {
        'After placing the ad, your car will be removed from the city and will be transferred to the garage of the car dealer, and after the end of the sales period, it will return to your garage. Also, your ad cant be edited or deleted, so be sure to use the ad'


Config.Local = {
    ['1'] = 'Someone bought your vehicle and transferred $',
    ['2'] = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ To Open ~y~Used Car Market',

function helptext(str)
	DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel(0, 0, 1, -1)

function Notification(msg)
    'far fa-check-circle text-success',
    'Used Car Market',



Open Source

Code is accessible Depends
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~3000
Requirements ESX
Support Yes 24/7

Very good script , and nice support !!!

1 Like

Thank you, we always try to provide the best for you :heart:

Why it looks so similar?

1 Like

never mind

:+1: :+1:

Awesome :star_struck::heart_hands:

Incredible :heart:

clean ui <3

Looks good :+1:t3:

Good script

Beautiful design ;D

Clean with pretty pictures. I still wouldnt be able to decide on a new car tho.

very good do we have it in QB core

Good soup

:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

Nice looking script good job

Good work :muscle::heart:

Nice script :slightly_smiling_face:

Very good script