Please Delete this Community is bad

Looking for a server to help out. Not really looking into leading FD

Hey man, I read your title and I hear you had said you’re looking for a community to be part of. I see you haven’t found one. What about running a fivem server with me? I’d be willing to cooperate with you every step of the way.

add me on discord

What is your discord roleplayer420?

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Sunshine State RP is currently looking for members and applicants to join departments!


[USA BASED] Sunshine State RPᵀᴹ| ALL DEPARTMENTS ARE HIRING | Custom Scripts, Vehicles & EUP | 1500+ Members - Forum Link

bump !

bump !

Hey there bud. I’ll keep this short and sweet.

From what I read about your initial post I think we would make a great fit for you. We are friend and family oriented why doing our best to keep rp original, creative, and realistic.

If you’d like to give us a check out head over to our site.

…you may also see our ad on Facebook, tiktok, and YouTube

bump !

Still looking for a server have a few buddys that are also looking.

Hey bud, not too sure if our server was not your cup of tea and that was the reason you decided not to go with us. But we are growing at a quick rate at the moment, and we have a couple of businesses we need people to take over to grow the economy on our server! We did make a post above, but if you have a group of buddies with you then running a business together might be a good time for you lot and something a bit different.

bump !

We are actively recruiting currently, just because we know more people means more fun! I’m not entirely sure we check all the boxes of what you are looking for, but we have a growing, friendly community and would love for you to check us out! We use qbcore.

Here is our current facebook page Devise Roleplay | Facebook

Also, for funsies, here is one of the court cases we held the other day, to give you an idea of what you may be getting yourself into :slight_smile:


We have a growing qbcore community and are actively recruiting for all whitelisted jobs in our city. PD, EMS, Burgershot, LS Pizza, UwU Cafe, and more.

You are welcome to check us out! Devise Roleplay

Bump !

If you are still in the search check us out, Actual RP!

We are not VMenu based however we do have a developer that uses his own custom framework. We are definitely in need of PD and if you are looking to get into high command, it is definitely a possibility.

Come check us out

I wanna apologize for this late response. My discord: Compl3xity_X#6531

I wanna apologize for this late response. My discord: Compl3xity_X#6531 We can start from there.