Unique Gang Zones ! (SA-MP INSPIRED)



  • The script introduces 3 distinct gang zones in your server (you can add more through “config.lua”) — purchase, sale, and production zones.
  • Each zone plays a crucial role for gangs. For example: a gang with a purchase zone but without a production zone will feel the need to fight other gangs for control of the production zone. Similarly, a gang with a production zone will need to fight for the sale zone to sell the produced items, and so on.
  • You can use the “config.lua” to decide which zone allows purchasing, selling, or production—or even have all three options in one zone. The choice is yours!
  • The purchase zone includes a store with stock quantities synchronized across all players. You can configure how much stock should be available. The store’s inventory is automatically replenished at midnight (this can be customized).
  • In the sale zone, you can set which items gang members can sell and how much money they receive for them.
  • Each gang zone is colored on the map according to the gang’s assigned color in “config.lua”.
  • When a gang zone is under attack, it will blink on the map.
  • You can configure the time it takes to capture a gang zone.
  • You can set the hours when gang wars are allowed for zones.
  • You can set the hours when gang members can access the zone’s store.
  • Each gang will have its own NPC (“PED”) in its assigned zone, through which zone actions can be performed.
  • You can configure cooldowns for each zone individually.
  • You can adjust the zone size (radius) for each zone based on your needs.
  • You can set the minimum number of gang members required from the defending gang to be online in order to attack a zone. For example: If “ZONE1” belongs to the “Ballas” gang and “Vagos” tries to capture it, they will receive a notification saying a minimum number of “Ballas” members must be online; if not, the capture won’t proceed.
  • The police can raid and take control of your zones. Police cannot interact with the “PED” (they won’t have access to purchase, sale, or production features) and can They will temporarily halt gang activities in the server. A successful police raid will add $15,000 (modifiable) to the police fund.
  • A simple, visually appealing UI shows the remaining capture time, the current zone owner, progress, and the zone’s name.
  • Only officers of a certain rank (recommended: deputies and chiefs) can lead zone raids.
  • You can set which item is needed to capture a gang zone, or you can disable this feature and allow captures without any items. In my server, I used a system where completing a mission for Lester rewarded players with a “USB” key, which was required to initiate zone capture. If you don’t have missions in your server, you can simply add the item to the black market, or not use it at all.
  • Open-Source NUI to change everything if you want !

Suggestion: If your server has jobs like lumberjack or miner, remove the ability to buy certain items (such as wood or iron) from the zone store. The idea is that gang members should either buy these items from new players or gather them by doing these jobs themselves. This will increase activity for freelance jobs and encourage player interaction, while also involving new players in “gang activities.”

How does zone capturing work?

  • The zone war will continue as long as there is at least one attacking gang member in the zone. For example: If the “Ballas” gang leader “Player A” starts the attack but is killed, the war continues as long as “Player B” (another “Ballas” member) is alive in the zone. The gang will defend the zone if no attackers remain.
  • When a gang begins capturing a zone, the defending gang will be notified that their zone is under attack.
  • When the police initiate a raid, the gang will be notified that their zone is being raided.

Very highly optimized performance:

0.00ms (when no war is happening, standing near the zone “PED”)
0.01-0.02ms (during a zone war)

:clapper: Video preview
:money_with_wings: Purchase here

  • Code is accessible: No
  • Subscription-based: No
  • Lines (approximately): 5000+
  • Requirements: ESX, ox_inventory, ox_lib, cron, ox_target
  • Support: Yes

Check my other resources !
:jack_o_lantern: Halloween Event - 2024 (Killing zombies, missions and more !)
:star: SA-MP inspired headlabels
:skull: SA-MP inspired gang zones

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Nice Release!


Gang Zones - Update 1.0.1

  • Now all the gang zones was changed from circle ones, to squares (AddBlipForRadius → AddBlipForArea) ;
  • Fixed the logic, when square zones was bugging in the mini-map (while in vehicle) ;
  • Can change zone height, width, rotation (config.lua), the radius logic remains the same (to check how far player is from zone) ;
  • Fixed gang zones “TimeLimits” ;
  • Added option in config.lua to set money account for gang zones transactions (selling, buying) (default: black money) ;
  • Fixed UI showing for the gang members, which are not in the zone when war was started.

:money_with_wings: Purchase here

Very good script, recommend :ok_hand:

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Gang Zones - Update 1.0.2

Updated “vmp-gangzones”, now “escrowed” version have a new file called “shop_server.lua” in the folllowing path: .....\vmp_gangzones\server\shop_server.lua

There is SQL and CRON logic to update shop stock, now you can set how much amount of items to reset, or completely shut down this function by commenting CRON event.

:money_with_wings: Purchase here