Ugly Street Names

Does Anyone Out There Know How To Remove This Ugly Street Tag?

Lol what kind of post even is this?

One that i can get help on…

It appears you’re using a resource which shows that street tag, look through all your resources and you should be able to find it :slight_smile:

this is default position so u must have moved


That cant be default… Because I added it and they both appear now.

Might be a local script on your computer, check your plugins folder in your fivem client.

I had PLD in it but I took it out and it still showed it.

@antonand03 or @pdc0001 If yall message me on Discord I can screen share and maybe you could spot the issue… My discord tag is

D-01 | CodyTheDev™#9853

all you have to do is delete gameui out of custom scripts.

I Have Done it So If You Cant Find It Then Message Me On Discord

Discord: Kaden H.#9995

This is default in VRP you can easily fix this by not using a framework.

As ESX & VRP are shit.

I took them both out

i had this problem when i used vrp, simply go through the vrp files and any named location display or something delete

hello, can you share your fuel system