Turn Signal System

Turn Signal System


A script made for the operation of turn signals and an alarm system.

Controls default:
-Left turn signal <-(left arrow)
-Right turn signal ->(right arrow)
-Emergency alarm (del)

You can change the control keys in ESC-settings-key assignment-FiveM and change the keys to the ones you need.

Download: GitHub

My other scripts:
Delete and Create vehicles


Good script overall, but keep in mind that if you use the turn signal / hazzards, and another player loads the vehicle after you turned on the lights, they would not see them.

Also, you might want to check the seat that the player is occupying in the vehicle, because right know a player staying in the back of the bus, can operate the signals.

Thanks! I will release a fix soon.


The fix has been released and everything is working correctly.

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Wait so some one else can do the signals for me ? that sounds like a bug I want .

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