Delete and Create vehicles



A script created to delete and create vehicles using the command.

Default command:

Download: GetHub

My other scripts:
Turn Signal System


GetPlayerPed(-1) in 2024…


Instead of trying to clown the guy, i would suggest giving some actual tips on how he can improve


I agree

You should use PlayerPedId() instead of GetPlayerPed(-1) in the client side.
I also saw that when you load the vehicle model in the create vehicle command, you’re putting a half second delay between each check for is the model already loaded which is unnecessary, cause even if you have the worst computer, if it can load GTAV or FiveM, it will can load the model for less than a 150ms max, so I recommend to use 20ms for example.


i’m not trying to “clown this guy” but we are in the release section and 1 rule of this section is to provide resources with “good code” aka Releases Rules and FAQ

If he learn coding, then it should not be published here

Oh trust me there’s 1000x worse than this and allot of them are paid, also if someone is trying to learn programming and made a resource and feels like he wants to publish it he should be able to, also what would you consider clean code? for example on your profile i checked 3-4 scripts and all of them are paid, and i can’t say if its good code, but from what i can see i generally wouldn’t make those paid.

That’s why we are trying with CFX to find a way to check quality for escrowed resources. I’ve already said in thoses topics that i’m fully open to be reviewed by someone for the code quality and imo this should be the case of all creators, but it require time and people to do that.

Well your generally not going to be able to check code quality, unless your talking about outdated natives which either way doesnt make it a shit resource, you can try to use AI for that but AI is iffy and inconsistent, so there is no way to do that, and from what i saw you didn’t try to give him a tip, instead you wanted to clown him, i could be wrong but it is what it is.


i dont see any logic use for this… qbbox,qbcore and esx allready all has own car and dv commands,and those can be customized to use allready