Train Themed Fast Travel


Train Themed Fast Travel


Train Themed Fast Travel
Purchase a ticket at any train station and travel to your destination.

---- npc ticket seller
---- predefined locations
---- customize prices
---- customize locations
---- custom blips
---- custom message
---- custom trigger key
---- turn locations on and off
---- train cutscene

Youtube ShowCase:

Vorp Core

Have Fun!

** PRICE **
Version 1 - $5.00 each
Tebex : Fast Travel

How to install:
---- Download the zip and extract it to your resources folder.
---- Add the package directory name to your server.cfg or resources.cfg.
Example: “ensure cc_traintravel”
---- Update the config file as needed.
---- Restart the server

Change Log:
April 2023 – VORP Support and prices

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 777
Requirements VORP
Support Yes
------------------------------------- ----------------------------

:dragon: Other Resources :dragon:

:dragon: Server Rules and Lore

:dragon: Forage Plants and Seeds

:dragon: Train Themed Fast Travel

:dragon: Search Stash Objects - Package - Barrels, Desks, Crates, Cupboards, Footlockers

:dragon: Strawberry Gunsmith and Blacksmith

resmon is terrible using 0.3 while not in use

i will check the code make it less.

Thanks for pointing out the resmon. I’ll take care of it.

the 70% of the code are not necessary if im honest.
I didnt know what that epoc thing also.

The problem is the thread of creating prompt.

Also the menuapi not working corrently when you close it its not trigger the defined things.

i reduced the whole thing to 0.01 but im not happy with it because menuapi callback not doing his job so i cant define variable to negate things

The version I published works :slight_smile: If you’d like help with customizing it feel free to join the discord so we can chat about it. Please remember that what you consider acceptable, is not the same as something I’m willing to sell. It sounds like your are removing features and error checking which would make the script unstable. Come chat if you need help.