Server Rules and Lore
Server Rules and Lore
Is an interactive NUI that allows server owners to push the server’s story and rules to the player when they first long. Allows server owners to reset either rules or stories or both, then push updates to the players when they next sign in. Players confirm they have read the rules and lore and their information is updated in the database. No more excuses about not knowing new rules, or not knowing the types of role play expected on the server.
Enter Animation
Exist Animation
Reading Animation
3 Page NUI
Custom Lore Pages
Custom Rules Pages
Automated Installer
Automated Reset Rules (to push new rules)
Automated Reset Lore (to push new chapters or updates)
Open Source Code Available in Discord
— youtube video —
Vorp Core
Vorp Character
Have Fun!
** PRICE ** - $5.00 each
Tebex : [Server Lore and Rule] (
How to install:
---- Download the zip and extract it to your resources folder.
---- Add the package directory name to your server.cfg or resources.cfg.
Example: “ensure cbld_server_loreandrules”
---- Update the config file to turn the installer on. Start the script, it will update the database.
---- Update the config file shut off the installer.
---- Update the config file add your story and rules.
---- Restart the script
---- Login and click through the pages.
– includes sql file if you want to manually update your database.
— does not support html links
Change Log:
July 2023 – Admin reset command.
Lore Screenshots
Rules Screenshots
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 650 |
Requirements | VORP |
Support | Yes |
------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- |
Other Resources
Search Stash Objects - Package - Barrels, Desks, Crates, Cupboards, Footlockers