Traffic policer re-release [ESX]

~ Edited by Dankyz
~ Original script by Kye Jones
~ Original link [IFS] Scene Menu Traffic Policer

This scene menu resource was made by Kye Jones and edited by Dankyz.

It works great for cordons on scenes in policing communities and can be used for so much more too. If you’re a developer, it’s fairly simple to figure out how to add more objects to the list. The objects will always spawn where you’re facing (Apart from the scene lights, they look behind you for some reason). The scene lights object does turn on at night too.

What has been edited is that the menu can only be opened by players who have the “police” job


  • Spawn Objects
  • Working scene lights.
  • AI Traffic Controller (Change the speed of traffic within a radius)

Prerequisites (What you need):

Download (1.0.1):
scenemenu.rar (2.8 KB)


Step 1. Download
Step 2. Download NativeUI
Step 3. Extract the contents of the and place it into the ‘resources’ folder.
Step 4. Do the same for NativeUI
Step 5. Include both ‘esx_scenemenu’ and ‘NativeUI’ in your server.cfg
Step 6. Restart your server.
Step 7. Press F5 and enjoy!

You have to translate it yourself! It is not that hard. The current language is Dutch. AND This script is currently on for ESX. Also I didn’t really care for the front-end of it so… you should edit it :joy:

If there are any BUGS report them please!

p.s i am dankyz xD i can’t change my name


^^ that is the screenshot from the original script


You got any screenshots?

Sure 1 sec

What is the point of prefixing this release with esx if all the “ESX” code that’s in there is literally not used?! Okay… it’s used ONCE for

if IsControlJustPressed(0, 207) and GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) and PlayerData.job ~= nil and == 'police' then

It would be great if you could make this release standalone so not only ESX servers can use it. Make it optional to where if ESX ~= nil then you check for “police” job.

Also: this release contains the deprecated chatMessage event. Please fix this.


This doesn’t alter AI traffic speeds? All vehicles continue to drive at their normal rates no matter the speed you set in the speed zone.

That is weird, it works fine for me.

nice , thx for sharing it…all time the same queston, na hm, why everybody hit the boxes in the fucking left top corner and everybody change it on right sinde - CHAT :wink:

When using this the mouse cursor appears even though it has mousecontrolsenabled set to false and the camera spins

That is weird, Shouldn’t happen and the camera spinning is a known issue

Standalone Version?

Fixed the camera spinning by moving the following lines of code to the end of the file, after the last “end)”:


1 Like

Hi @Dankyz thanks for doing this! It’s something i’ve been meaning to add to the original for some time now.

Could you please link the original in your description for me :slight_smile:

Mine wont open