[Tool] YMAP & YBN Mover

" Specify an offset down the bottom right. Yes that’s right an offset, not a new location. So people who can’t work you get where you want to move the map to and subtract the current position."

What does this even mean…? I understand that I need to specify an offset by putting some numbers in the boxes in the lower right hand corner but what is this explanation? Can you give a better informal explanation because these instructions are not clear for someone that has never done this. What numbers do we put in? What exactly does it do? How do we know if it’s safe and will work or not?

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I can’t really explain it better then I did. There is an offset calculator built in now though, so that might help.

I think I was able to figure it out. My issue isnt that I need to move maps, I dont think at least. I am having poly edge asset issues so I think I just needed to run the fixer tool which I didn’t know was under the “Tools” tab within the menu, that is what I ran and now I am transferring the files back to my server.

This is awesome! Just what i needed. Dont know how i am just now seeing this but thank you.

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u ever figure the IPLs out?
should i move use the tool to move the interior files. ?
got map where i need it , just want to get interiors fixed

New Update ?

Yeah the website is down. Ignore the new version for now.

How I can move the cayo perico to Paleto Bay?

Honestly it doesn’t even matter, there isn’t a newer version right now. I am currently rebuilding the entire app from scratch with more advanced features, such as map rotating, and potentially a visual element.


Poly Edge Fixer is a wonderful savior of a tool.

Do you know if its going to be possible to fix locked models. Seem to be buying a lot of maps with locked models that are totally broken. Sometimes causing crashing when they are loaded and fixed in real time on some clients. If I try to fix the poly edge references on locked models it throws a “corrupted” error.

Unfortunately not possible. Locked models are locked, so I can’t access them at all.

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I’m getting this, even after updating it now. Can I do something about it myself or will I have to wait for You, @Smallo, to fix this? Can’t even scroll completely down, it’s just broken.

I kind of lost the latest version of the source due to a system crash so would need to rebuild the program from scratch or from old source and update it. I have changed web servers and some dodgy company took my old one, that’s why you’re getting that error. You should be able to bypass it by pressing Tab and then spacebar.


Yes, that helped, thank you!

any way to add rotation ?

Take my money.

For the moment the tool still works as intended. Especially useful for the PolyEdge fixes.
However, could a future game build break it entirely?

it say outdated.

Press TAB SPACE to bypass

Remade the program from scratch today with version checking done on github so no issues with my website going down anymore. This version will just be pretty basic to start with, but I will slowly readd all the old features (plus hopefully some exciting new ones) over time.


Can’t seem to get it working :confused: