[Tool] vWeaponsToolkit - Create Addon weapons with ease!

Hey guys, after a lot of research on add-on weapons I figured I’d make a tool to allow the community to create add-on weapons with ease as it can be quite overwhelming trying to make them from scratch with little information out there.

+Add-on weapon creation using templates from base-game weapons. (Over 20+ templates, more can be added if requested)

+Configurable options on each weapon:
-Ammo Type
-Reload speed modifier
-Firerate modifier
-Damage type
-Headshot damage modifier


Gif preview:

+Add-on component creation using templates from base-game weapons.
-Create any add-on component (Magazines, Grips, Scopes, Flashlights):
-Configure clipsize, ammo type (Tracer/FMJ/Incendiary/Explosive)


Please report any bugs, issues or crashes via GitHub issues with the values you’ve entered or the output of the weapon files.
If you’d like to show your support please consider starring the repo and liking this post, thank you!


This is soooo cool! can you drop more scrips like this?

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orrr mmmay goood. i was looking for this 1.


this is very awsome and usefull! :heart:


gonna give it a cheeky test once I figure out how to run it


Thanks !


POGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Thanks for the tool so freaking much♥

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Update: Creamed my pants when it worked, fantastic tool made by a smart guy

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You Are A Legand

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When I try to compile the program it gives an error which is probably due to missing libraries.

download the release and not the source code from github

Opps, I hadn’t seen the release.

Great and useful :+1:

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What file do you open it start it?

I’ve been looking for something like this for months! You’re the man, thanks!

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Yoo bro you don’t need to compile it, you don’t download the source code you go to the “releases” tab and download the actual release which gives you an exe to run.

Hot stuff babycakes

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@robbster Use this link in the post instead Releases · rubbertoe98/vWeaponsToolkit · GitHub

Awesome tool, it should be amazing if snowball and ball and throwable things add
Imagine player can throw money at each other :expressionless:

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