Hi there,
I am wanting to add certain weapons to a FiveM server. I am converting them from replacements to Add-On by using Robbsters vWeaponToolkit , it works really well, made my life a lot easier, however I am having a problem with the bullet impact. If I replace just the normal GTA 5 default weapon (Lets say I made a glock replacement an add-on, said glock was to replace the combatpistol) the bullet impact is exactly where you’d expect when aiming in first person, however when converting to an add-on & using the combatpistol template the bullet impact is quite a considerable distance above the first person iron sights, which makes first person shooting kinda annoying and unrealistic.
Now I am aware of the “FirstPersonScopeOffset” value in weapons.meta and it does work, however the only problem with that is that when I increase/Decrease the value (depending on the gun) the actual iron sight seems to get lowered in the model of the gun, which makes them not align like they usually would and also looks very unrealistic
I am hoping somewhere here has some more experience and maybe a solve to this issue? I tried like 6 different glock models and other pistol models and they all seem to have this issue and I have absolutely no clue how its possible. I’d love some support, thanks!