Tommy's ELS (Pattern Sync, Speed Based Patterns, Optimized)

Tommy’s Emergency Lighting System

A highly configurable ELS system, written because we wanted ELS on our server, but the currently available ELS scripts out their run high MS & don’t have certain features which could only be coded in by a developer. So I decided to create this from scratch.

I decided to get away from all the random keybinds that most ELS systems have, all keybinds can be configured, however in the default state, ELS works as follows: 1-6 control siren tones, sirens will only blip until stage/code 3 mode is active. 7-9 are manual overrides for the lighting stages, 0 is the takedown light, - & + are down and up the different patterns. You can configure which extras turn on during each stage, you can even use warning lights as takedowns for example (shown in video) or vice versa. You can configure different pattern sets per vehicle, as well as configure how the UI displays with each extra. Patterns are not per stage but rather are per vehicle. The client and server lua files are encrypted, however the NUI (sounds, html, css) and configuration are not.


  • Highly Configurable
  • Up to six siren tones (can be server sided as well)
  • Pattern Sync between vehicles (enabled with config)
  • Speed based patterns (enabled with config) (Faster you go the faster your lights flash)
  • Highly optimized (relative to other popular ELS scripts) (I’m activley working on more optimizations)
  • New Environmental Light System (Can be completely edited in the configuration) (Only draws one light per car, and colors the light by choosing the most prominent color out of the currently activated lights.)
  • Repairing the vehicle or spawning a car will not have extras pop up everywhere.
  • Responsive & Modern UI

Escrow Encrypted: Yes
Requirements: None

Demo Video

ELS In-Game UI

The UI files are not encrypted so feel free to make any changes you wish, what extras display on the UI is also configurable per pattern-set.

Server Sided Sirens

This system makes it really easy to configure different sirens for different vehicles, as well as just having server sided sirens in general. An example VCF file configuration is provided in the docs, utilizing server-sided sirens from Kwoks’s free SAS script.

Resmon Usage:

As far as ELS goes, having 0.62 on resmon with 6 active vehicles right next to eachother is a great number in my opinion. Along with that I am still working to add optimizations and fix any bugs that may be found.

Known Bugs:

  • Unknown exact cause but sometimes after a few hours of RP on my server I’ve found some AI cars with ELS toggling extras + environmental lighting. This has been the most visually hilarious bug.
  • Rarley vehicles have had a ghost stock GTA siren when in Code 3.


  • Optimize RPC Events
  • Add NetID checks for optimization and no NetID warning in console.
  • Tutorial Video

Comp 2_00001
Comp 2_00000

Code is accessible Partial (NUI & Config)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1300
Requirements OneSync (Has only been tested with OneSync enabled)
Support Yes

Thank you for your work and your script, the community was missing it a lot, you should do a tutorial for installing and explaining the configuration of your script, it will help your customers. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :heart_hands:

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Thank you very much, I will make a tutorial video soon! :+1:

After todays FiveM update it seems ELS + aint working no more. How did your script fare against the update ?

I was unaware of this, I’ll be testing out the script asap. :+1:

Hey, testing with the latest artifact version 6287 on both Windows and Linux, the script is working with no issues. :+1:


Did you fix the auto repair issue?

Yes, this is fixed (As far as if your talking about repairing the vehicle and having extras stay on or flicker ect…) You can repair your car and it won’t touch the lights. And the car will not repair itself due to ELS toggling the extras :+1:

How do you add the server sided sirens ?

Hey, the example VCF shown above and in the resource download shows an example of using server sided sirens with kwoks SAS script. You must use the Audio String, Set, & Bank, as defined in the SAS wiki on the github.

Is it possible to just use the pattern of the VCF?

Hi, Just installed this. When I press Q or - = , I get a chat that says Invalid command /els.

Any idea how to stop this.

Regards Minty.

Hello, Recently installed and loving the script. Works fantastic. I feel like I’ve searched through all of the files associated and I’m unable to locate anything to turn off the messages in chat. Also curious if there is plans for the future for players that use controllers to be able to us the UI.

Also curious if that tutorial is still being worked on. Would love more information on creating new light patterns and how the VCF’s are used.

Thanks again, loving the script!

brought this script earlier today, anyone have a british configured version?

quick question has there already been a fix for the ghost siren?

Or does anybody else know what causes it?

What happens now on every vehicle is when you turn on the lights in Code3 without the siren. outside render distance from some one and then come into their render distance they hear the stock GTA siren. but the driver does not.

Thanks for implementing our Server Sided Siren Resource in the documentation!

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A Small question: How many Preset Patterns are there? Can i port an existing VCF without adding any new Patterns or do i have to put them in all by myself?

We have a big fleet of ELS Vehicles already on our Server and it would be a somewhat bigger Workload to recreate all Patterns for every Vehicle again.

You would have to recreate the patterns as this resource only comes with 4 (normal, left, right, burn) patterns.

Can you we manually add extra paterns or is it limited to only those four

You can add as many patterns as you would like. :+1: