(Large credit of the code goes to [Release] Weapons On Back, who made a lot of it. I just adjusted it as it was frequently requested on that topic)
This script does basically the same thing as the script listed above, except it’s toggleable, and mainly for ARs.
With the command /enablesling your AR will show up on your chest, the current config is for body armour, but you can put the AR anywhere you want with the configure settings in the script.
Then with /disablesling you can stop it going on your back.
This is good for when you don’t want EVERY SINGLE weapon you have to flash onto your back, where you can’t disable it. You can also edit the hash array to select what weapons show up and which don’t.
Please note that no attachments show up, because of how the hash attaches to the ped, and also custom weapons wont show up properly.
Again, major credit to the author of the original resource @minipunch
(to forum admins: I realise that putting code into a command does not warrant it’s own release, but for some who are trying to save time I believe this is helpful. Also on the original topic there is a lot of people asking for this resource to be released. I have creditted the author and I am not saying this is a fully original/custom script. Thanks)
you can follow this coordinates for this setup at the back
This setup if with bulletproof vest outfit. to use this without the bulletproof, i suggest you just adjust the Y coordinates to -17 or -16
credits to the original author, I just modified the coordinates.
I tried a different sling script a few days ago but when you slung the weapon, it changed to a default model (this in of itself I had no issue with as I fully understand limitations of attaching to the body, but when we would pull it back out, it was still the basic model of it with no attachments. We would have to re-equip our loadout to get gun back to how we had it configured. I was wondering if it would be the same issue with this. I saw mentioned above that it loses attachments and custom models don’t show when slung which as I said, I’m completely ok with, I just want it to come back to how I had it configured when I pull it back out.