The Contract Infos - Build 2545

So can I now also request this?
The Other ones I already requested with the Text in the Post.


Yes, you can

1 Like

And all of those are working?
And is anything of this in a combination with another IPL Part in GTA Online? So i can request them in one config part.

thanks ^^

Hey Tay, I don’t know if this is a problem with me doing something wrong or the script, but um… When I use a teleport to enter an IPL, use it again to leave the IPL, or even just noclip/teleport out of the IPL, and go to another teleport, it doesn’t give me the prompt to enter it, and I can’t press E to use it, and I have to restart the interior to use it.

EDIT: Or on others with selections, I can’t use my ENTER key to use them, and I’m not prompted

ESX                 = nil
local PlayerLoaded  = false

    while ESX == nil do
        TriggerEvent('tac:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

    PlayerLoaded = true
    ESX.PlayerData = ESX.GetPlayerData()

AddEventHandler('tac:playerLoaded', function(xPlayer)
    ESX.PlayerData = xPlayer
    PlayerLoaded = true

AddEventHandler('tac:setJob', function(job)
    PlayerLoaded = true
    ESX.PlayerData.job = job

put this up teleport.lua

This looks to me as it is for ESX? I’m not sure, is it?

Yep for esx, it s ok for me

Ah, I don’t use ESX on my server sadly. Is there anyway to alter this for a standalone script?

This script is standalone ?

Why would you need this, this resource is not ESX dependent ?

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I’m talking about @warwazat’s supposed fix for the issue I was having - I know the script is standalone

@AvaN0x this was the issue I was having, if you are interested/know a fix

Because I am going to set permissions for jobs and when I moved away, the point disappeared and was no longer displayed until the server restarted.
I modified it for me

Please tell me, this assembly only supports 48 slots. for me they fell from 64 to 48

Hello, your message does not seem to be related to this topic. (Correct me if I’m wrong though)
If it is not, could please create a topic with more details about your problem in the good category ?

I had a server running with eup and 64 slots on build 2372. I ran build 2545, I lost eup and slots. in my opinion, to relate to this topic

This topic is about informations found with the update, like vehicles names, ipls … not for all errors reports.

The game build can’t be related to your loss. Check if you still have patreon paid, your profile does not display it :

Patreon need to be paid every first day of the month, event if you paid the last month on the 30th.


Hi, I have the same issue mentioned here: The Contract Infos - Build 2545 - #171 by Senziar
But it is only when I use a vehicle while teleporting.
Everything works fine but then when I use any of the teleports while in a vehicle, it doesnt work anymore when on foot but only works when in a vehicle until either the resource is restarted or the server is restarted. Is there a fix for this? Or a way to turn off teleporting with vehicles entirely? I would rather only be able to teleport on foot than have it break all the teleport points everytime.

Another quick question: Why did you not use the teleportation system that was already used by cloudy in the original online interiors?