Put specific options at a specific coordinate
Put certain options on all objects you choose at a certain coordinate
Put certain options on the object closest to a given coordinate
So this lets some set coords for the text to display and pressing the key at that location triggers the event? I’ve been scouring the forum for something like this for a few days but frankly, searching for things on the forums is a major pain in the rear so seeing this pop up is awesome timing!
Would it be possible to have multiple coords for 1 section. I have several things I want to use this for, but the main big one is going to be to trigger a script that I setup to refuel aircraft from approved points on the map. It would be nice if the Coords could accept multiple groups for the same actions/selections in a “point” allowing me to setup several locations and only have to add all the coords rather than copy/paste the entire section 30ish times for all the different locations.
Unfortunately we don’t have designated props at the locations as it’s just points we picked around the various airfields and helipads on the map and even if we did, I still feel as if it would require entering each location’s coordinates as individual points which overall, I don’t mind doing, it’s just a lot of doubling up on everything as the script I wrote that allows fueling at those locations already has all the coords listed in it’s own config. Which this brings a different but related question. I bought the open source version so is there any issues with me running two instances of the script (named differently of course) and having one of them just for my fuel script and just adding the needed code from my fuel script into it? (part of what my fuel script is doing is putting map blips and using the locations to ensure the player is at a designated aircraft fueling point). I’m by no means a developer but I can generally muddle my way through making stuff do things so I feel I can easily enough modify 1 instance of this TextUI script to also support the rest of my fueling script and use the second instance of it to do all the other random things I want the TextUI script to do around the map but I wasn’t sure if the script would be able to handle being ran twice under diff names (not sure how the escrow system handles things like that even being open source as I do see the fxap file in there)
Yes you can run 2 instances, if it gives error you can delete fxap file, its not necessery for source code scripts, If you need more help please open a ticket from discord, maybe we can find a way without running 2 instances
Sorry to keep bugging with questions, I have it pretty well all configured with integrating into my fueling script, the only issue I have is I’d like to either change the initial icon to display the key to press to open or ideally, just have it open the nui screen when a player is in range, and then just close if they move away. The reason for this is I changed the key to open from E to G due to conflicting with another script used with our aircraft so I’d like them to just see this when they pull up to the marker without having to press a key to get that to come up. Alternatively, if you could tell me how to just get the inital icon to look like the G icon does, that would be perfectly fine as well. Mainly my goal is to display the key they need to press since it’s not longer E so it’s not as intuitive to those unfamiliar.
EDIT: Although there might be a better way, I was able to get this sorted by editing the main.js where it was showing/hiding the maindot vs key and the index file where it was coded for a default key and I now have the Icon on the left with the G displaying on it when the selection menu is closed so I’m good to go
Couldn’t you make a configuration option for it to pick up just from the prop’s hash or something like that? I wanted to do this with vehicles or something like that, which in this case doesn’t have a fixed coordinate to put a “point”