Tazio - Staff On Duty


I made this simple plugin for all staff members to enjoy, Basically it sends a message that the staff member is on duty. Following the examples, it is automated so you don’t need to put every SteamID in the file. I personally hate it.


[ Staff Duty ] ( Tazio ) is ON Duty
[ Staff Duty ] ( Tazio ) is OFF Duty

  1. Download staff_duty!
  2. Install it into /resources/
  3. setup your aces inside config.lua
  4. Copy the Permissions and paste them into your server.cfg and edit them!
  5. Have fun!
    Note: you have to restart your server to update the principals.
add_ace [an role] taz.staff allow
add_principal identifier.steam:[hexid] [an role]

Replace the with existing thinks!
This is most useful when you have an already existing group(a role)

Discord Embed

GitHub - Tazi0/staff_duty at embed

Use the other installation but add this to that

  1. Create a Discord Webhook.
  2. Paste the link in the server.lua
    here is a picture


  1. Main
  2. Discord Embed

Have fun!



Sorry to disappoint but this wouldn’t work. If you went on duty and someone went on duty after you, it would say they’re off duty. It’s using the same variable for everyone. You need a table of people who are on and off duty and adjust it from there.

Server scripts are not ran on clients and ran once on the server, therefore you can’t have an individual variable on server side for each person. Also, there is no way the server communicates the variable to the client file so that seems pointless.

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Cool, i pushed my update. If you have time can you check?

Nice Thx<3

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No problem

Bootiful Tazio absolutely Bootiful

Hahah thanks m8 :heart:

Added a new feature that uses the Discord Webhook feature!

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any photos?


Doesnt work if i do “add_ace group.admin taz.staff allow” it says syntax error on ‘group’

add_ace [an role] taz.staff allow i think this means you only need to do “add_ace admin taz.staff allow”

add_ace group.admin taz.staff allow

Works like it should… try updating your server in here

looks good looking forward to using!

make sure to check out my other stuff :wink:

will do!

I run through Zap Hosting so they update it for me. Remind me where exactly that line needs to go? All my other perm lines go either in Server.cfg or my vMenu permissions file

in your server.cfg

Great plugin !! Can you add a command to see who are the admins online ? That would be cool :slight_smile:

Like in discord or ingame?