[RELEASE] [REWRITE]Staff-duty_embed w/ Font-Awesome-Chat Background, icon

I have recreated a plugin that will display Tazio’s staff-duty chat message with the background of Font-Awesome-Chat.


Please CHANGE the discord Webhook
here is how you make a webhook


  1. Download staff_duty!
  2. Install it into /resources/
  3. setup your aces inside config.lua
  4. Copy the Permissions and paste them into your server.cfg and edit them!
  5. Have fun!
    Note: you have to restart your server to update the principals.


add_ace [an role] taz.staff allow
add_principal identifier.steam:[hexid] [an role]

Replace the [] with existing thinks!
This is most useful when you have an already existing group(a role)

Discord Embed (Tazio’s)

  1. Create a Discord Webhook.
  2. Paste the link in the server.lua
    here is a picture

My Version

Newer Version with time tracker

1.) [Main] v1.0
2) v1.1


Font Awesome Chat


  • Tazio - for letting me make this rewrite, and the original code check it out if you want to make a rewrite - [Release] Staff On Duty (Automated)
  • KrizFrost - Author of font-awesome chat for the post of that awesome script

This version of tazio’s staff-duty script is the one with discord Embed

Contact me for help

My discord is Jones#5114 for any help on changing the script


Can You Make It to Count Time On Duty Whin IT OFF

Yes I will try to put some code together to track the time they were on duty

Version 1.1 and what it offers

its basically then same as the [Main] v1.0 Version except that it tracks the duration of how long your staff member was on duty so you can tell if they put in enough hours/min for their job
Download: v1.1

How to change WebHook Image

Video: here


good work

mine said incorrect password

Incorrect Password for what? @BluePanda368

it just sais inmcorect password when i do /onduty

its /duty

Soon to Come Update:

Im going to be remaking the whole script and combine and edit other staff scripts(with owner permission) to make this whole one script

good boy

In the read me file it says that I need to setup my discord perms in the ‘config.lua’ file but when I download the script I do not get one of those and it does not seem to work without it.