Blue Style Development Gang Aggression
Bring your FiveM roleplay server to life with the Gang Interaction
System by Blue Style Development! This dynamic script
introduces gang territories, interactive blips, and hostile reactions, creating
a thrilling experience for players who dare to cross into rival zones.
1. Blip Creation System
- Blip Logos and Radius: Displays custom logos and radius circles on the map for gang territories. These can be color-coded and sized to fit the roleplay environment.
- Configurable Positions: Each gang can have multiple positions with customizable distances, enabling clear visualization of gang-controlled zones.
2. Gang Aggression Mechanics
- Vehicle Color Detection: Detects player vehicles and checks if their primary or secondary colors match those blacklisted by any gang.
- Gang Members’ Reaction:
- If a blacklisted vehicle enters a gang’s zone, nearby gang members react aggressively.
Gang members may either attack players unarmed or use configurable weapons.
3. Gang Customization
- Gang Members: Define the ped models representing gang members.
- Weapons Arsenal: Assign specific weapons to each gang for immersive combat scenarios.
- Blacklisted Colors: Configure gang-related vehicle colors that trigger hostility.
4. Nearby Ped Detection
- Scans the surrounding area for NPCs (non-player characters) and checks if they belong to the configured gang member list. If they do, they act based on the aggression system.
5. Configurable Gangs
- Example gangs included are Families, Ballas, and Vagos, each with unique zones, member models, weapon loadouts, and blacklisted vehicle colors.
6. Continuous Monitoring
- A script runs periodically to detect player activities and enforce gang territory rules.
Installation Instructions:
- Add the provided resource folder to your FiveM server.
- Start the resource in your
file. - Enjoy the BS Gang Aggression in your roleplay!
Buy it here
Why Choose Blue Style Development?
- Easy Configuration: Fully customizable to match your server’s theme.
- High-Quality Code: Built for stability and performance in FiveM environments.
- Immersive Roleplay: Elevates player experience by introducing dynamic gang interactions.
Other Scripts and Models
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Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 230 |
Requirements & dependencies | None |
Support | Yes |