:desktop_computer: Description

ZDP-CROSSHAIR is the ultimate script to customize your aim. Whether you’re looking for a sleek crosshair to improve your shooting or want to upload your own design, this script has got you covered. Switch between pre-designed crosshairs or upload your own unique style. Plus, you can easily enable or disable the crosshair feature with a single toggle. Perfect for adding a personalized touch to your gameplay.

:star2: Features

  • Standalone Compatibility: Fully compatible with any server framework, including QB, ESX, VRP, and others. No need to worry about integration issues.
  • Custom Crosshairs: Choose from a variety of pre-designed crosshairs or upload your custom PNG/JPG image for a truly personalized experience.
  • Easy Toggle: Enable or disable the crosshair feature whenever you like, offering full control over your gameplay.
  • Configuration Simplicity: Use the config.lua file to adjust every aspect of the script to suit your needs.
  • Custom Design Options: Adjust the size, position, and transparency of your crosshair directly through the script settings.
  • Per-Player Options: Crosshair settings are unique to each player, allowing for a customized experience for everyone on the server.
  • Performance Optimized: Lightweight and efficient, ensuring it doesn’t impact your server’s performance.

:ring_buoy: Support

We’ve got your back if you encounter any issues with our script.

:man_technologist: About us

Our development team members collectively have over 10 years of experience. We have experts in Front, Back, and Full Stack development.

:arrow_right: Purchase link:

:movie_camera: Preview:

:top: Other scripts:

:file_folder: Config file:

Config = {}

Config.default_key = 'b' --Use This >>>>>> (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/)

Config.Crosshair = { -- From the folder public
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements None
Support Yes

Wow, the design is awesome, especially for PVP servers, and it looks super useful!