[STANDALONE] Radial Quick Menu

:desktop_computer: Description

Hey FiveM players, we’ve got something special for you. Introducing our new quick-access menu, crafted to smooth out your gameplay experience. Forget the fuss: with just a few clicks, customize the logo, images, and colors to match your server’s vibe. Because we know every detail matters and we want you to feel right at home.

:star2: Features

  • Standalone Compatibility: The script is designed to work seamlessly on any server, including QB, ESX, VRP, or any other server framework, ensuring broad compatibility.
  • Easy setup: You can set up the pictures or icons for each option, as well as their actions, easily from the configuration file or by following our guide.
  • Color customization: You can tweak the background color for options in the configuration file.
  • Add your logo: Pick an image or your logo to be at the center of the menu.
  • Handy, user-friendly, and fast: Our menu pops up when you hold down a key (users can choose their preferred key from the game settings, and you can also set a default key in the configuration file). It closes when you move the mouse over an option and let go of the key. It works a lot like the game’s default weapon or radio selector.
  • Total freedom: You can move around with your character without any loss of mobility or speed. This makes our script a lightweight and fast menu, ensuring smoother gameplay actions.

This is not a clothing menu. You can integrate any functionality from any script, clothes, bank, vehicles, etc.

:ring_buoy: Support

We’ve got your back if you encounter any issues with our script.

:man_technologist: About us

Our development team members collectively have over 10 years of experience. We have experts in Front, Back, and Full Stack development.

:arrow_right: Purchase link:

:movie_camera: Preview:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 300
Requirements None
Support Yes

Great! awesome!


WOOOOW :hot_face: :100:


Good job my friends!

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Look great! Are you able to do sub menus?

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Thank you! Not at the moment, but it may be a good idea for a future update

Or potentially you could do up to 3 rings instead of submenus if you get what I mean.


We’ll look into it, thanks for the ideas! @Blackmagic

Thanks! @Gacha

Nice job!

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Thanks! @Jaareet

very good job :raised_hands:

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Thanks! @BBStore

:slight_smile: Thanks

Good job my friends!!

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Incredible job! It looks fantastic! :+1:


Thanks! @KXDEX

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Nice work, :+1:
what library did you used for spinning/circular animation!

thanks friend!

thanks a lot!

All our code is done by hand, we do not use any framework