[Standalone Release] Door Locks

Okay and thank you, now I have another question. How do you figure out which door and jail cell is called what. I noticed you had door2 and cellgate, would i have to call them something else or get them from the MLO itself?

thank you, I thought I was missing it, it’s fixed

I can’t unlock any of the doors and i have added the ace permissions to the server.cfg

Why I was add add_ace builtin.everyone doorlocks.allow allow but still I cant unlocked the door

Hello. I was wondering if I could copy this script and make it work for like 24/7’s. For example, say I want only 24/7 workers to use the doorlocks but they can unlock PD doors. How do I go about this? Maybe something like

add_ace goup.civilians civdoorlocks.allow

Anyways I can copy and modify it to do something like that?

Hey I have a question. How would I add the object for custom made ones?

If you mean odjName its the door name of what the said dev named it. Gabz normally has his name in it and normally ends with door

Nice to see it still works! Thank you. So hard to find standalone scripts.

Oh my … some way we can optimize a bit?

how do i use this door lock?

You don’t use a 2 year old forgotten resource, here is a good updated alternative GitHub - overextended/ox_doorlock: Door management for ox, qb, and esx.

Except that hes looking for standalone. There really aren’t many for standalone!

Check out ND_Doorlocks its part of ND_Core but you dont need esx, qbcore.

But it isnt required to use a framework, you just need a targetting resource (more info at github), ox_lib and oxmysql (which you should use instead of ghmattisql and mysql-async

Is there a way to remove the background of the text?
*The purple colored part

it says locked but i can still walk through it

Bro thats not standalone

How do i set it up with the ace perms in the server.cfg, could you send the full command not just doorlocks.allow pls?

add_ace group.admin doorlocks.allow allow


how do you enter a password?