[Standalone Release] Door Locks

Oh okay thank you.

Can I ask what ymap it is for the sandy police station you are using?

It is a private one made for my community.

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oh rip

Hello sorry to bother, i am alittle confused on how to give my LEOs the permission to unlock and lock the doors!>? please help.

If anyone is looking to be able to add doors to lock i used this tool to fetch the cordinates while on my server . ID Gun - Find out object coords, headings and hashes and then to fetch the objects name from the hash it prints it as i used this tool. [RELEASE] ModelHash To Object Name (53859 OBJECTS!)

Thanks for pointing people in the right direction Dracuslayer :slight_smile:

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So far I’ve used Codewalker for this as it always seemed reliable, I will be giving the linked resource a shot though! Anyways, in case anyone wants to know how to use Codewalker to find out prop names…

  1. Start up codewalker and click on the << icon in the top right.
  2. Click on Tools... then JenkInd....
  3. Copy and paste your hash into the “Hash:” field.
  4. Switch between “Hex”, “Unsigned” and “Signed”, one of them will work.

I couldnt figure out codewalker for the life of me I spent 2 hrs trying I gave up n search for a more how to for dummies way. This was so simple to use. I walked to the door. Type idgun in chat pointed my gun at it. It showed bottom left of screen. Then for the -hash I ran object name then the hash in the f8 copied all the info to mdoorlocks restart it & it worked.

Hi configured the script for my PD, but I cant unlock doors and I have the ace permissions

use esx doorlock

He’s already been told that.

Do i Need the Ace Perms Script as well? i have tried to Put add_ace group.admin doorlocks.allow allow into both vMenu Perms.cfg and server.cfg and nothing… Cant unlock anything
Please help

What’s the line of ace permissions that i have to put in,because i have put this inside my server.cfg

add_ace. mDoorLocks allow
add_principal identifier.steam:1100001426D4916 mDoorLocks

and i dont know why it still doesnt let me unlock and lock the doors

add_ace mDoorLocks.allow allow

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and whats the line for the steam hex id like i have it as

add_principal identifier.steam:1100001426D4916 mDoorLocks

but it doesn’t work like that

i mean if you just copied this from your script i might have a tip… Start by deleting the capital “D” in the hex

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Does anyone know how to pack an MLO into a dlcpack? I’m trying to get the info for some doors to add to this script.

Working for all doors?

qustion before i download it can you set something like this EX: x,y,z = ace perms “steam id” so that one person or who you set it can only have perms to that buliding or doors???