Motocross/Bike tricks resource for FiveM servers… I can’t say more please look at the preview
Don’t forget to this post if you liked this resource, it motivates me to keep coding for FiveM (But it’s mostly for my ego )
Motocross/Bike tricks using SPACEBAR or X with 4th or 5th mouse button
Run at 0.00ms on idle and 0.02ms max when doing a trick
Press the Space bar (Config.SimpleKey) then one of those keys:
Space bar + Left Click = Simple trick 1
Space bar + Right Click = Simple trick 2
Space bar + Mouse Button 4 = Advanced trick 1
Space bar + Mouse Button 5 = Advanced trick 2
kc-tricks is easily configurable:
Player will be ejected if they land while doing a trick. If set to false, they will not fall but the anim will stop
This value determines whether the anim should instantly stopped, otherwise it will just go back to the sitting position gradually
Set the key used for the simple tricks (Default is 76, ‘INPUT_VEH_HANDBRAKE’ aka SPACEBAR)
You will be able to do tricks only on some specific bikes from the ‘Config.Vehicles’ list
With this resource I tried to recreate the tricks system from some games like MX vs ATV, so you can use different keybinds that you set yourself (In the config and in GTA keybinds settings) to perform different tricks. It also have the possibility to chain tricks and stop the tricks when you don’t press anything, you also fall as you can see in the video preview if you’re still in a tricks while landing (To add more realism )
I’m happy with this resource since I have then played a couple hours with a friend just doing stupid tricks and it was fun So I thought I will release it for everyone
Unfortunately it uses GTA animation (Since we can’t import our own animation), so for now it will stick with those 4 (I know there is a 5th one but it’s pretty bugged I will see what I can do with it )
Hey, all the simple tricks dont work for me - I’ve tried changing keybinds and a few other things, but I still can’t fix it. Can I get some help? Nice script apart from that though
Yeah, I can’t do simple tricks with Spacebar, tried changing them to B to see if that would make a difference but it didn’t. Might be just the way I’m doing it, not sure though