[STANDALONE] GTA VI Inspired Interaction Menu [PAID]

AN Interaction Menu | GTA VI Inspired Interaction Menu

:warning: This is a development resource so you will need some basic coding knowledge to implement it with your scripts but soon I will be releasing scripts that will make use of this tool.


:link: Link to the video ( Just in case )



  • Clean and interactive Menu with sounds and animations
  • Menu can be created for either an entity or coords
  • You can add as many actions as you want as long as they fit in your screen
  • You can add multiple Interaction Menus as long as you hide the one before
  • Fully optimized with fast response and complete efficiency
  • Extended support will be provided to everyone who buy the script
  • Menu will show based on the specified distance ( check the template below )
  • Actions can be set-up to be triggered based on specific distances ( check the template below )
  • Easy to use ( check the template below )

How to use?

Adding an Interaction Menu:

    entity = entity, -- if you want to show the interaction menu on an entity, then use this and comment the one below
    coords = coords, -- if you want to show the interaction menu on specific coords, then use this and comment the one above
    actions = { -- check the demo on the client.lua for more information
        [1] = {key = "X", label = "label", event = "SVevent:name", type = "sv", args = { entity = targetEntity }, useDist = 1.5 },
        [2] = {key = "Y", label = "label", command = "command args1 args2 args3", useDist = 3.0 },
        [3] = {key = "E", label = "label", event = "CLevent:name",  type = "cl", args = {}, useDist = 6.0 },
    showDist = 8.0,
    offset = {x = 1.0, y = 2.0, z = 1.0}, -- this is used to set an offset for the menu when using an entity
    handle = "something_unique_14581" -- a unique name ( must be different each time you add a new menu ) - used to identify interaction menus

Hiding an Interaction Menu:

exports["an_interMenu"]:hide("something_unique_14581") -- use the same unique name that you typed when adding the interaction menu

Download now for €11.99 Only


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~ 600
Requirements N/A
Support Yes via dc

Examples on what you can achieve with this tool:

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PRICE IS DROPPED FROM €11.99 to €7.99

This is very cool. Amazing job!

That’s a cool one

What is a good offset for a dead peds? I want to use this for loot dead zombies but menu appears bad places.

I used this on my NPC Interactions Script:

    entity = targetEntity,
    actions = {
        [1] = {key = Config.lootKey, label = Config.lootBodyLabel, event = "an_interNPC:lootBody", type = "cl", args = { entity = targetEntity }, useDist = 2.0 },
        [2] = {key = Config.carryKey, label = Config.carryBodyLabel, event = "an_interNPC:carryBody", type = "cl", args = { entity = targetEntity, uncarryKey = Config.uncarryKey }, useDist = 3.0 },
    showDist = 7.0,
    offset = {x=0.0,y=0.0,z=-1.0},
    handle = interMenuHandle,



+ Ability to add multiple interactions at once
+ Added internal handling of distancing for a better performance
+ Script was made easier for integration on your scripts
+ You no longer need to remove the previous menu to add a new one
+ Added documentation ( https://a-n.gitbook.io/docs/an-interaction-menu )




€11.99 instead of €7.99

No??? Now its 14.99 EUR

No it’s €11.99 + Taxes
If you’re outside EU or US, you’re most likely not going to pay the taxes.

Would this work without any entity or coords? For example, if I had the actions set to open other menus I would want to be able to do that anywhere, anytime.


Please read the documentation here: AN Interaction Menu - AN Documentation

Ok, so it doesn’t, thanks for your help.

The script is really flexible and I doubt anything you wanna implement is that hard/impossible to make.
If you can provide more details on how you wanna implement this, I would be happy to help you figure it out.

Ok cheers, My server is just for friends and they complain about keybinds, even though I say to them that they need to go into setting and adjust them but they don’t, so what I would like to do is have one keybind which would open something like your script here and there it would show tabs to everything but for this to work the script would have to open anywhere and not just on an entity or area.

Maybe you can try one of my other scripts: https://a-n.tebex.io/package/5281770
Or maybe you can request a custom script by sending me a DM.

That script you link, is perfect for what I need, much appreciated. I’ll buy it now.

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