[STANDALONE] Goonsquad Zombies/Cannibals - Custom Zombies Audio [Survival Script] [PAID]

I want you to change the manner of zombies.
Zombies attack the player with a punch :sob:

:rofl: that’s not cool. also, you could make zombies with random diffrent speeds, spawn some that run faster and some slower. SetEntityMaxSpeed(entity, 20) add a math.random to it.

The old download link can no longer be loaded.

is this script still beeing updated?

It is!

Version 2.0 has been released! Old download link no longer works, please check your packages on our tebex page to get the new link or reach out to us on discord to get the updated version.

What’s new?
You can now loot zombies after killing them (There is a small chance that you can loot them keep a look out on dead zombies!)
You can now enable the use of esx from the config file in order to use esx items in the loot.
Code optimizations and clean up of unused stuff.
New options in the config file to play with!

Please note that the price of the script is updated from 7 to 10 dollars without fees and tax. We are thankful to our early supporters! 10$ is going to be the final price of the resource without deductions/increases.

Looking for a simple and clean looking multi-character script for esx? Which offers upto 7 characters?

Why don’t the zombies attack?

by default the zombies react to sounds, please set Config.ZombieEyes to true for them to be able to see the player and act accordingly.


Zombies react when they see me. You run towards me and stop as you can see in the picture. They don’t attack. The players do not get any damage.

This is weird, I’ve never had someone complain about this. Try the latest recommended artifacts.

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I have always

will you adding probability drop item? Like If rare item like Medikit or Bandage will have chance drop 30% and common item like bread and water will have drop chance 50%

And make the zombie more agresif but not punch you, just growl at you and it will make the blood less

I am waiting for your update, and I will try to change the script myself

am done make drop probability for ESX

now i want to make the zombie more agresif

Next update will be dropping soon with such features :slight_smile:

is it random which item or weapon i get or if i even get something?

Yep, It’s completely random.

Hey just a quick question. On esx_zombiesystem there if u put to much zombies the player/or Server will crash hence to overload. Do we have the same problem here aswell? Kind regards

don’t spawn NPC more than 1000

I bought this script and I do not recommend this script, it is poorly done there are many better and free.

which ?