[STANDALONE] Goonsquad Zombies/Cannibals - Custom Zombies Audio [Survival Script] [PAID]


Zombies react when they see me. You run towards me and stop as you can see in the picture. They don’t attack. The players do not get any damage.

This is weird, I’ve never had someone complain about this. Try the latest recommended artifacts.

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I have always

will you adding probability drop item? Like If rare item like Medikit or Bandage will have chance drop 30% and common item like bread and water will have drop chance 50%

And make the zombie more agresif but not punch you, just growl at you and it will make the blood less

I am waiting for your update, and I will try to change the script myself

am done make drop probability for ESX

now i want to make the zombie more agresif

Next update will be dropping soon with such features :slight_smile:

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is it random which item or weapon i get or if i even get something?

Yep, It’s completely random.

Hey just a quick question. On esx_zombiesystem there if u put to much zombies the player/or Server will crash hence to overload. Do we have the same problem here aswell? Kind regards

don’t spawn NPC more than 1000

I bought this script and I do not recommend this script, it is poorly done there are many better and free.

which ?

Can you please tell me what is poorly done in the resource so I may make it better?
You’re the first one with this complain.

the zombies come and fight so he stops for at least 2 seconds this puts in fighting position and hits with punches … zombies are supposed to bite and eat not to do boxing fights

moreover I asked in the support to help me to be able to modify the speed of the zombies because they are very slow and I never had an answer except a yes it is possible

The resource is actively being developed with updates being released on what the community wants, The punching stuff has been mentioned and it was under the works and for your query of modifying the speed of the zombies you asked if it was possible and I just answered yes if you follow our discord server (which you probably don’t) you’d know that these features are going to be released with the next update. I am not going to spoon feed code to every customer but rather make a new release with those features in the config file.

I still don’t get how my resource is “poorly done” if anything I’ve kept it as optimized as possible.

Good script, but could you add animation for the zombie instead of typing the player please ?

Next update

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Goonsquad Zombies version 2.0.1 is out now, while mainly an optimization update we recommend all users to switch to this version.

0.06 to 0.11 ms on this new update.
Less or no crashes.
Zombies should lose interest in you if you’ve been hiding for a while and they cannot see or hear you.

Please reach out to us if you’ve already purchased it and want the newer version as the older download links no longer work.

Get the new resource here!

Supported!!! Just bought! I really hope this one continues it’s development, ive tried every other zombiemod and everything is just abandoned or really badly scripted, will edit with review after a couple of hours playtime :slight_smile: