[STANDALONE] [FREE] [RELEASE] Automatic DV (Delete Vehicle)

Automated Delete Vehicle:

This script is designed to automatically delete all vehicles around the map with one click of a button. Through your chat, it will claim that the compound is the one clearing the vehicles to try to keep the rp aspect of the game/chat unharmed. The exact message will be listed below and will always be configurable! Please note the command is /autodv

[COMPOUND] Our minds think all vehicles will clear in 10 seconds.
[COMPOUND] Our minds think all vehicles will clear in 5 seconds.
[COMPOUND] Our minds think all vehicles will clear now.


  • Automated Vehicle Clear
  • Way to not mess up the chat too much
  • Configurable


  1. Move resource into your server resources folder
  2. Paste the following into your server.cfg `start SD-AutoDV"


Click here. If not working, please click the link below!


This is an awesome script and I 100% recommend adding it to your server. Very easy method for deleting vehicles.

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Appreciate that! Hopefully in the near future, we can update this script to further encompass a better look or changes to the script.

Its working stable <3

so alpha wolf omg no way

Appreciate the kind words!

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Wow, I was surprised when I saw this script! So simple but so convenient all at the same time! Thanks for making this!

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Amazing, never seen such a simple, easy and good functioning script! Props to the developers!

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Little note here as some people have asked, we may be doing more updates to this in the future but it is highly unlikely.

I try why vehicle cant deleted, im wrong installing or not, but i check doesnt have error

is there one that does it without a command?
if not its fine

I have some questions about, for example when vehicles despawn and u try to get it on impound, it works? Can you go to the impound and take out from there? How this works.

I use this one, works a treat