This script is designed to automatically delete all vehicles around the map with one click of a button. Through your chat, it will claim that the compound is the one clearing the vehicles to try to keep the rp aspect of the game/chat unharmed. The exact message will be listed below and will always be configurable! Please note the command is /autodv
[COMPOUND] Our minds think all vehicles will clear in 10 seconds.
[COMPOUND] Our minds think all vehicles will clear in 5 seconds.
[COMPOUND] Our minds think all vehicles will clear now.
Automated Vehicle Clear
Way to not mess up the chat too much
Move resource into your server resources folder
Paste the following into your server.cfg `start SD-AutoDV"
Click here. If not working, please click the link below!
I have some questions about, for example when vehicles despawn and u try to get it on impound, it works? Can you go to the impound and take out from there? How this works.