Spotlight - Enhanced Sync

Thanks :slight_smile:

What’s New in Version 1.2.1

  • Added an indicator to the screen when the spotlight is on in the current vehicle (and for a few seconds after it’s turned off).
  • Fixed a bug related to turning on the spotlight in certain helicopters. Helicopter support should be 100% functional now. (thanks @Sideswipe95!)

Oh that explains a lot… I’m a derp LOL

I actually released v1.2.1 since I sent you that, definitely a recommended update.

Got it, thanks it works great !

Sweet. Let me know if you’ve got any other issues with it.

The new version you sent out allowed every vehicle even with the emergency only set to true to use the spotlight.

Weird. It’s working properly on my test servers. Let me look into it.

Thanks… if it helps i took the C# version and compiled it myself i didnet make any changes i just decided to compile it myself not sure why it did that

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Fixed in v1.2.2.

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there aren’t many things like this out there. thanks for adding some extra realism into roleplay for players :stuck_out_tongue:

Much apprciated. Nice script. thanks

I am not sure what to do, I downloaded it and it won’t let me start my server up. Don’t mind it saying spotlight3 because I renamed it.

For whatever reason, when I downloaded the script to my server it does not do anything. No error code, nothing in console. It just doesn’t work at all. I followed the video to a tee and still nothing. Is there a way you can help?

@BrilliantSmiles @ilmccool Sorry guys, been busy. Let me push out an update that will hopefully help you both.



I could not get this to load this what comes up in the console e[93mWarning: Resource spotlight does not specify an fx_version in fxmanifest.lua. but it says the fx version any idea how to fix this

I had this issue with a few scripts idk if this is YOUR issue but my problem was that my server wasn’t updated to the lastest FiveM version so it couldn’t read the latest FX manifest “bodacious” even though it was in the FX manifest provided.

it worked thank you