Spotlight - Enhanced Sync

Script looks amazing! Will for sure be putting in my server!

i put this in my server last night to test it, my members love it. So much better than the other spotlight scrip. had no issue with sync. awesome script, let us know when you get it working on the polmav! thanks again

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That’s a fair point. I’ll look into it. Thank you.

Sounds like your script isn’t being loaded, can you DM me a picture of how it’s installed?

What’s New in Version 1.2.0

  • Added support for turrets. When a spotlight is activated in a turreted vehicle, the spotlight will be aimed based on the direction of the turret.
  • Added support for helicopters. Helicopter spotlights work similarly to car spotlights, but they support a full 360° of rotation.
  • Added config options to toggle both of the above features + an option to only allow polmav helicopter spotlights.
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Could you add a display on the top like FAXES one where it would say Spotlight On and Then If You toggle it off it would say Spotlight Off for a brief second

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nice :slight_smile: if you want to add some extra config options, i would love to so a option to use a command instead like /sl or something like that. and a way to change the default keybindings, since i already use 3 of the 4 for different sciipts XD

And i got a suggestion if it is possible to make some aly lights?

Looking into the keybinds situation. There actually are commands, but they’re not really intended to be replacements for the keys.

/spotlight, /spotlightaim up, /spotlightaim down, /spotlightaim right, and /spotlightaim left

They’re a little long. I’ll look into adding shorter ones.

Ok so i updated and it seems as if it still works in the LEO vehicles but not in the heli’s no matter how i change the config. Any thoughts?

I would really just suggest allowing the keybinds to be changed in a config file rather than having to set keybinds through FiveM settings. As some servers would like to not have their members have to go through and change the keybinds one by one so they don’t interfere with some script that may be in their server already.

You restarted the server, right?

Does it work in vehicles with turrets (APC, tank, half-track, etc.)?

I like the fact it uses the new FiveM keybinds but it be nice if people could set there own defaults also if you can a section for us to specific the vehicles we would want it on? because maybe i was it on military helicopters and a pol mav for example but i cant really change what can use it…

Instead of using GetAllVehicles() why not use this:

(Example of what I got working:
for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do instead of for k,vehicle in pairs(GetAllVehicles()) do

Yes server has been restarted and I am not sure if it works in those vehicles, I’ll have to give it a try.

Ok so I have figured it out that it will not work on helicopters that replace the polmav, any ideas?

I wasn’t aware of this Native. I’ll have to test it out. Thank you for the info.

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Can you DM me the resource that replaces the polmav? I’ll do some testing and put out a fix.

I am a little confused on the install. Yes its very basic but I place the “Spotlight” folder into my resources on my server and add “ensure Spotlight” to the server config like always. The server console says its loading but I can’t get it working. I dont see the keybinds in my FiveM settings either so I am not sure I did something right. Any suggestions would be great.

Below is an image of the files I have in the “Spotlight” folder in resources. Do I need to do something different?

spotlight folder contents

Would you be willing to add this in in the next release?


You’re downloading the source code, which won’t work. Use this direct link to v1.2.0 instead: Download

I’ll add a configurable display.