🍾 SpinTheBottle | FiveM Spin the bottle Script [QBcore/ESX/Standalone]


Hello again snails! :snail:
Just releasing a cool little script, have you ever wanted to play that one game…that one spinney bottle game? well now you can!

Play spin the bottle with pretty much inf amount of people and inf amount of games!

The script should pretty much work on any server :stuck_out_tongue:

Youtube Showcase pst, please sub <3

Get it here:
via Tebex £7.99 before tax

Resmon: 0.00idle | 0.03inuse could probably get it lower by using a better ui, forgot to say you can change that aswell!
we love some resmon :kissing_closed_eyes:

Config Layout
Config.Settings = {
    Debug = false, -- Debug Prints
    UseCommand = false, -- true = enable command /spawnBottle
    bottleModels = { -- these are defined as useable items aswell
    UseFrameWorkOnLoad = false, -- set to true to add your own fetch for when a player load in then to load all current bottles games TriggerServerEvent('k_bottle:fetchAllGames')
    UseSpinSound = true, -- true/false = enable/disable sounds
    UseCustomUI = false, -- For developers to add there own UI to the script CustomUI function below VVVV
    UsePlayerSpinAnim = true, -- Animation for the player to "spin the bottle"
    Controls = { --https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/
        ['spin'] = 38, -- E
        ['pickup'] = 304 -- H
    Locals = {
        ['bottlecontrols'] = '[~g~E~w~] Spin the bottle      [~r~H~w~] Pickup the bottle'

My other work:
:nauseated_face: K_Diseases | Diseases/Illnesses/Sick/Medicine
:underage: SexV | FiveM Sex/Sleep/Pregnancy Script 18+
:memo: K_FRAUD
:football: K_FOOTBALL | American Football / Rugby

Code is accessible No (Framework Bridges Available)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 900ish
Requirements None
Support Yes

i probably overcompliated this like crazy but ¯I_(ツ)_/¯


Great script, Im sure that would be fun!


Can it be made to use ox target and not the the context way? to spin the bottle

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The UI is able to be changed if you know how you could totally do this.

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nice script

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Cheers :slight_smile: