[Solved] Vehicle Add-On Resource • Globbing Syntax


I’d like to utilize the necessary globbing syntax within my own __resource.lua file in order for me to save time during the vehicle add-on installation process. I’ve since created a __resource.lua file which contains each vehicle add-on’s .meta file entries within the directory; it functions as intended, yet it’s inconvenient to modify since I have to manually add each new entry per vehicle add-on during the installation process; it’s already over 5,960 lines at the moment. So not only do I have a small dilemma, but I’ve got another subsequent issue I am experiencing; I’ll elaborate hereafter.

While trying to avoid merging several vehicle add-ons’ .meta files together either manually or with software, and cramming each vehicle add-on’s .meta file entries into the __resource.lua file as I’d been doing, I’m trying to develop a much more efficient way of installing vehicle add-ons without requiring the __resource.lua file to be continually edited. My foot is in the door; it takes about 20 seconds for me to install a vehicle add-on versus the 2–5 minutes it originally did.

Essentially, each of my vehicle add-ons and their .meta files are contained within individualized subdirectories inside of the /LupinsCars3SC/ directory. The /STREAM/ folder possesses the add-ons’ models and textures, and the necessary .lua files are inside of the parent directory.

Shown here is an example of my resource folder’s hierarchy.

…and so forth.

Shown here is a snippet of the original __resource.lua file I’d used beforehand.

However, I’ve since created this __resource.lua file with (fairly accurate?) globbing syntax shown here, which actually parses every .meta file in each add-on’s subdirectory of the /DATA/ folder; each model is properly streamed and loaded for myself and every other client. I’m using the latest Windows master branch build from the artifacts server to operate this resource too.

Now here is the issue I’m experiencing.
When my pack is installed onto a server utilizing the (latest) Linux master branch build, none of the models are streamed from the /DATA/ folder; the add-ons would not stream for any client. The corresponding add-on entries in vMenu would still appear as valid (not unavailable) selections in the vehicle add-on menu as well, except nothing would happen when any of them were selected. However, this issue did not manifest until I began using the newer __resource.lua file I’d created. In fact, this is the only file that was edited; nothing else within the entire add-on resource folder itself.

I guess I would need someone who is experienced with globbing and Linux functionality to provide input here; I’d appreciate that. Is there a difference in the way globbing is handled within resource files between Windows and Linux servers? Should I change anything within this file that would allow it to function correctly within a Linux environment? Why would an issue like this manifest; why does it occur?

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All .y* files must go in the stream folder. Lowercase probably matters.

They’re there already, and that particular issue only manifested on the Linux server.

They are streamed correctly on my Windows server. Last night I uncapitalized the /DATA/ and /STREAM/ folders of the Linux resource, and that actually invalidated all of the vMenu entries altogether; they were classified as unavailable. Not sure why. Capitalizing them again reversed the issue. None of this occurred on the Windows server; the resource was unproblematic, as that server doesn’t appear to be case-sensitive.

At a closer look I actually see a difference. You have **/*somemeta.meta in the data_file section but under your files {} it’s **/somemeta.meta. Perhaps this is why? Should change all entries under files {}


Though, when using the syntax validator, it reports that **/*.meta and **/.meta are similar; that they’ll still grab the .meta files, and that’s essentially what I need.

**/*.meta (in this case vehicles.meta) recursively searches for the string .meta within any given subdirectories; essentially locating all existing files that are literally named .meta. Specifying **/*vehicles.meta would perform a recursive search for all files that are literally named vehicles.meta; not all .meta files, even without the specifying asterisk denoting all instances of the given string as shown.

All .meta files of each subdirectory would be located if only **/*.meta was specified, as shown.

As shown, **/.meta or in this case **/vehicles.meta, would recursively search for all files which are literally named .meta (or any given filename; vehicles.meta) within any given subdirectories, and so I wasn’t entirely sure whether it was actually necessary to retain the specifying asterisk denoting all instances of a given file here.

I’ll try to explain as best as I can.

Since __resource.lua requires each vehicle add-on’s .meta files to be defined in this part of the __resource.lua file, I figured I should still do that. I figured the same applied for the lower part of the file for each data_file entry. Where DATA/**/vehicles.meta, is written, for example, the __resource.lua file would perform a recursive search within the subdirectories of the /DATA/ folder for any files that are literally named vehicles.meta; the same for DATA/**/carvariations.meta, and so forth.

I’ve only partially experimented with this last night; specifying only DATA/**/*.meta produced the same result in my Windows server, and it successfully parsed the models without any issues. To avoid any arbitration while experimenting, I initially avoided specifying the asterisk for the entries in this section of the file. Adding the asterisk to the entries in this section while retaining DATA/**/ in every entry (i.e. DATA/**/*vehicles, carvariations.meta and so forth) yielded the same results. You may be right about the actual matter of difference in the entries’ possession of asterisks, but I’ll have to experiment more with this on the Linux server to verify that there even is one. I just know that the syntax itself could be problematic there.

:pushpin: Edit: Another user just confirmed that they experienced this very same issue on their own Linux server as well.
:pushpin: Edit: A fellow Linux enthusiast stressed to me that case-sensitivity was an important matter to consider when operating anything in its proprietary environment, and that I should have tried uncapitalizing everything within __resource.lua along with any relevant folders. Doing this resolved the entire issue.

So, for anyone who is viewing this thread and is experiencing this very specific issue—uncapitalize all relevant or pertinent data that is intended to be parsed within a Linux environment; this includes folders, files and corresponding data written within any files, due to Linux’s case-sensitivity.

:white_check_mark: Solution:
Your resource file, when using the aforementioned method I’ve discussed, should appear as such.

:pushpin: Edited 8/31 for referential accuracy.

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Hello sir, i tried your solution but when i enter the server the cars don’t have upgrades and modification. Can you help me sir?

I see; I can still try to help you though. I have a few questions though.
For the vehicles that you currently have, did their upgrades and modifications work before you tried this?
And, may I see your __resource.lua file?

yes sir the modifcations and upgrades works fxmanifest.lua (990 Bytes) i attached sir my fxmanifest.lua


I see within this file that you still have the current fx_version as adamant, and not bodacious. I am not explicitly saying that this is the issue, but you should probably try operating your resource using this particular iteration of the fx_version parameter as shown.

I also noticed that you posted in this thread about your experience with merging each .meta file for your vehicles. I personally do not believe that this is a viable method of managing your add-ons, because there are many potential issues which could arise or occur as a result of performing this particular method.

:pushpin: Edit: Resolved. See the issue and solution in the following post.

it works perfectly fine now sir. what might seems to be the problem occured on the arrangement of each files. and i am missing the carcols.meta inside files { } also. Thank you for the help sir Lupin.

You’re very welcome.

I didn’t notice until now that your carcols.meta entry was actually missing either… undoubtedly this would be causing some sort of issue too. I am very glad that you have resolved your issue though, my friend.

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Hi ! Thx a lot for this awesome tips !

I have a question about this :

  • I have put together over 40 vehicles, but i only see customs and can only activate sirens after restarting the ressource.

An idea to fix this ?

OK i fixed that ! It’s all about the .meta order.

it looks like this now and everything working !

files {

data_file 'HANDLING_FILE' 'data/**/handling.meta'
data_file 'VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE' 'data/**/vehicles.meta'
data_file 'CARCOLS_FILE' 'data/**/carcols.meta'
data_file 'VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE' 'data/**/carvariations.meta'
data_file 'DLCTEXT_FILE' 'data/**/dlctext.meta'
data_file 'VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE' 'data/**/vehiclelayouts.meta'
data_file 'VEHICLE_SHOP_FILE' 'data/**/shop_vehicle.meta'
data_file 'CARCONTENTUNLOCKS_FILE' 'data/**/carcontentunlocks.meta'

client_scripts 'vehicle_names.lua'

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