Hello! I’m using the [Release] Nearest Postal Script and selecting the postal on the map, I would like to get it marked on the waypoing instaed of in the other one, as shows the image. Any idea? Thanks
Post the code.
in client :
SetNewWaypoint(Blip.coords.x, Blip.coords.y)
Hey there! While using the OCRP Postal Map and the Nearest Postal script, I had a problem when marking the postal on the GPS by doing /postal because it was creating a different route and I pretended to use the default waypoint, so I managed myself to make it functional. It’s kind simple but if you are in the same situation, follow the next steps:
- Open your cl.lua file
- Go to line 95 and copy the part (fp.x, fp.y, 0.0)
- Then delete the lines 95 to 102
- Write the following: SetNewWayPoint(fp.x, fp.y, 0.0)
- Save it and it’s done !
Hey is there a download link for just the map?
Hey! You can find that map here: OCRP Postal and Minimap (Server Side)
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